Leg 4, Day 27

I want to take the Delorean time machine back to Jerusalem on the night Jesus died. I want to see Peter lose his hand/eye coordination and lop off the high priest’s servant’s ear. I want to see him deny knowing God. I want to see Jesus’ last breath. And I want to be there to see what no one else saw—Jesus walking out of the tomb that couldn’t hold him in. Relive the death and resurrection of Jesus. Play the movie in your imagination as you read.

Read john 19:17-37 and then Matthew 28:1-10

If our identity is found in Jesus and he died, shouldn’t we also die? And if he rose from the dead, shouldn’t there be that symbolism in our lives too? There is. Letting go of your stolen identity—the one that Lucifer and his demons fed you from the moment you began—is like a death. While we know it’s good to lose it, there’s extreme pain in letting go of parts of us that we loved, even though they pulled us from God. Don’t puff yourself up and pretend these feelings aren't there. Be honest with yourself and those around you. We all have them.

But the story ends later, not now. Discovering your true identity is like being raised from the dead. You’ve felt it, like feeling muscles you never knew you had. So now what? We have the experience that nothing can take away from us.

Read Matthew 28:18-20

Jesus has given you his authority—his identity—for a purpose! To lead people to him. Not convert them—it’s not a car or a house to “work on”. Not to save them—that’s His job. When you simply are yourself, you will lead people to Jesus.

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