Leg 4, Day 25

I’d love to see the story of The Good Samaritan done today. Imagine an Iranian man’s car-jacked and brutally beaten and left lying on the side of the road bleeding… and bleeding. A Muslim priest walks by and avoids it for concern of being lumped in with terrorist rebellion.  A catholic priest walks past and after serious contemplation avoids the scene so as to not soil his congregation, because helping the man may lead him into his church. Then a rebellious student passes by. Their heart breaks unlike anything they have ever felt. They pick the man up and drive him to the hospital, all the while bleeding over their new car. At the hospital the student leaves his cell number and a lump of cash they were about to use for new school clothes to cover any expenses.

After telling this story in Luke 10 Jesus says “Now go and do the same.” it’s not just about discovering our own identity so that I can now feel good and secure. Rather the opposite. Once we’ve discovered it I believe we’ll live in a state of subtle unrest as we feel as God feels.

The question is can you form intentional pathways in your life that purposefully take you past the people that God’s heart breaks for, not matter your discomfort?

Read Mark 5:1-20

Did Jesus know that this man was in this area? Of course—he knows everything. Then why did he go?

What is the result of Jesus’ intentional pathway past this man?

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