Leg 3, Day 15

Practice 1: Silence

Read the following verses and then the chapters that they are in:

Mark 1:35

Luke 4:42

Mark 6:46

Matthew 14:13

Luke 5:16

If Jesus needed solitude—time free of distraction or interruption, remote-ness—then we sure do. This is time used to connect with our God completely undistracted. This is going to be hard. Mentally prepare for it for a minute.

Find a timer that will beep or let you know without looking at it that some time has past—like the alarm on a watch. Set it for 3 minutes.

Now for the next few minutes just sit. Close your eyes to free you from the distractions. Be aware of your body and setting, but let your mind drift. It’s not about not trying to think, but about gaining space from the entanglements of the mind and it’s worries. Be aware of your breathing, but don’t control it. As you exhale feel the mind drift and gain space.

Now… “be still and know that I am God.”

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