Leg 2, Day 11

You know that kid with the reputation for being a bully? Ok, maybe he was a bully (if you didn’t know him… it was you), but bullies reputation were always bigger that real life, often like our fake identities. They ate rocks, beat up teachers, and could grow facial hair in forth grade.

Saul had a reputation, and it was true. He had worked hard to become the one that people feared. But now everything had changed and he had to start off on a new journey, repairing the reputation he had set with his stolen identity.

God calls on us to not just become our true selves, but to help rescue others. It reminds me of the 2nd Matrix movie—The Matrix Reloaded— where Neo has been rescuing others that were plugged into the lie of the Matrix.

Read Acts 9:10-19

What fears do you think Ananias had running through his head?

Obviously it helps calm our fears when God directly speaks to us as he did with Ananias. But he doesn’t do this often even in The Bible. How else can He help us overcome our own fears to reach out to those still “plugged into” the lie?

This is where a shift starts to happen. You have been prepared to discover your true identity, but to continue means getting our hands dirty in the world gone wrong. Decide today before God to devote your energy to him, taking advantage of every opportunity he sets in front of you. Know that you are participating in the greatest rescue mission of all time.

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