Leg 2, Day 13

I hate getting lost. But you can only get lost one way: bad directions. Either the one giving the directions got them wrong or we didn’t pay attention. How about when God gives direction? What was the last thing you felt him tell you to do? Maybe you’ve never heard or felt him guide or direct you. Either way, take a few minutes right now and pray a prayer like this: Lord please show me how you want to direct me… and please give me direction. I trust your guidance. Amen.

Read Acts 13:1-12

Why did the leaders of the church pray and fast twice before sending Saul and Barnabas out?

What do you think the relationship was like between Saul and Barnabas? Go back and read Acts 9:27 and see where their relationship began.

God will rarely send you out alone. He will usually send a spouse or deep friend with you. And this is where many of us realize that we don’t have many deep friends like Barnabas who have found their own true identities. But they don’t take a lifetime to build. In fact they're probably in your life or close to you already.

Lord please reveal that relationship to us now—put a name and a face in our minds and please will you grant us the courage to begin to feed that relationship?

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