Leg 3, Day 21

Practice 7: The Word

This is the most vital and should be the most regular of all of these practices. Hebrews 4:12 says that “the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

20% of people who claim to be Christians never read their Bibles and 22% don’t do it daily. This is not complicated, but it is THE most attacked practice by the enemy. Your identity is found in The Word of God—his revealing to you who He is and thus, who you are. The enemy will sound like this: You deserve a break. Turn the alarm off. You can do it later. 15 minutes is the same as 30—it doesn’t matter. Do it tonight instead. You’ll never understand it anyway—it’s too much for you. The last thing you need is one more thing on your schedule. It was written for adults. You won’t get it.

And once you actually do get to it, distractions will come at you from the weirdest places. Anger. Your mind wandering. A feeling or pressing to accomplish other tasks first. The enemy knows it’s power. Look at a few verses from Psalm 119: vs. 25—I lie in the dust; revive me by your word. Vs. 28—I weep with sorrow ;encourage me by your word. Vs. 37—Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word.

Take a few minutes in silence to center yourself on hearing from God.

Now ask God this question: where do you want me to study in your word daily that will reveal who you are to me?

Now sit and wait for an answer.

Don’t be discouraged or tempted to feel foolish. This practice takes… practice. You must begin and press on though. If you should decide now that it’s not as important as I’ve described, then stop reading and don’t resume the rest until God’s broken through and rescued you from that lie.

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