Leg 2, Day 8

There some embarrassing moments in my life that I look  back on that I laugh about. But there are some that just make me want to cringe physically . Those are the ones that weren’t embarrassing at the time, but, as I reflect now, I get this immense sense of regret. One such time was a materialization of extreme pride. Another was when I felt the need for acceptance so bad that I was willing to do anything for it.

Saul’s Identity had been stolen and we first see him in Acts 7:58 saying “Stoning? Here! I’ll hold your coats!”. The again a verse later simply saying “Rock on” after the murder of Stephen. While reflecting later on these times must have brought him great regret, but he must have learned from them as well. So let’s do the same.

Read Acts 7:51-8:1. what about Saul’s small parts in this story stand out to you? What feelings do you think were running through him?

Write down your top three most embarrassing moments.

What were the feelings that you acted on during these times and what was your reaction to them long term—now looking back?

We cannot be distracted by the enemy’s ploy to get us to run backwards—following what we’ve done in the past. Keep the past close. Ask God to not let you forget it. Ask him for the opportunity to relive some of these events so you can choose differently. Then… get ready. He is a God of rescue and redemption. One that loves to give you what you need for success.

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