Leg 3

Leg 3 of our journey takes us straight to the creator. Part of our false or stolen identity is a false identity of God. Think of all the different ways He is portrayed in the media: old, far away, angry. If we are to discover our true identity, then the only place that truth can be found is in Him. We are, as humans, reaching for this knowledge whether we acknowledge it or not. Embrace it now as part of who you are meant to be—seeking God.

The amazing thing about uncovering your true identity is that, contrary to the lies of the enemy, it’s actually extremely freeing. But to truly know who you are you must embark on an endless leg of your journey—getting to know God. If we can get to know him our entire lives now fall into a purpose—from the details of the daily routine to the life-changing decisions—they now all have eternal significance that lies on his shoulders and not ours. Can you feel the freedom creeping in? What if my friendships are not reliant on me to impress others, but on me listening to a Father that loves beyond compare and knows, even deeper than I do, my longing for companionship?

So we begin this never-ending leg of the trip. Perhaps this is your 700th beginning, or perhaps the very first intentional meeting of you and your creator. Either way, over time you will learn the exhilaration of feeling his control that is always found in love, and letting go of your own self preservation. Discovering your true identity is truly discovering that you are part of a bigger picture—a solid foundation of hope and future that doesn’t revolve around you. And here... there is freedom.

This leg will take us through 7 different practices that, if exercised, will continually grow our knowledge of our Father. Some of them you will find great comfort in, while others will challenge you to frustration and you’ll be severely tempted to give up. Know this: God is with you coming from the other direction. Not only are you pursuing him, but he is pursuing you. So take heart.

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