Leg 2, Day 12

Have you ever had an epiphany? A paradoxical shift? It’s where the very foundation of a belief changes and leaves you excited, but rebuilding. This is what has happened to Saul. Something had drastically shifted. For many this would cause an internal riot between what was and what was coming—how do I convince the people in my life of this change? Is it worth the energy or should I just retreat?

But see through Saul’s example that there was little need for convincing and a greater need to live it out. One of the greatest epidemics in America is fake Christians—ones that call themselves followers of God but don’t actually follow Him. See, you can’t call yourself a Christ-follower and not live it out.

Read Acts 9:19-31

List the different ways in which Saul “lived out” the change.

Are any of these happening in your life?

One of the greatest weapons Satan has against us is to convince us that we’re fine where we are and rob us of the sense of adventure. God is calling you… YOU… to live a life that preaches. Maybe you’re not a preacher—that’s only one of the gifts. But along this journey, strive to uncover the gifts that accompany your true identity… and use them. Ask God for the opportunities to exercise them. Then see those chances and chase after them!

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