Christmas Bash 2007

Click Santa to see the pictures form last nights Christmas Bash 2007


If I'm completely open and honest there are times, are they are plenty, that I feel deficient to be a pastor. I'm not a prayer warrior, sometimes I'm cold to people, I get overwhelmed, I don't follow trough with things, I don't always listen, I'm selfish, and I don't always love people.

The thing is... passion. God has placed in my heart a passion for this work. With it comes a desire for greater, bolder prayer, a heart for people that are far from Him, and peace.

Thank you God that I can't do it on my own at all. Thank you for using me in spite of my weaknesses that are so profound.

I have such grandiose visions for ministry, but times like these keep me grounded and aware of my need for wisdom and patience.

Ignition Graphic

Ok so here it is - the graphic for our winter retreat event, Ignition '08 (formerly Winter Blast) as well as the theme for this year. Holyfire will be bringing not only the music this year, but also the messages all weekend long (all together now... ROCK!). This year's theme Rescue the Truth will center around reclaiming the truth of life using skills like Bible memorization, prayer, and journaling. Ignition '08 will be February 16-18.

Post #80

This is my 80th post! I'm counting down to 100 at which I'll... do something cool. Maybe a guest post from Cherie - my wife. Anyone have any questions for her that she could answer here?

I'd like to get more of our students from Ignite reading and in that spirit within the next week I'm going to be posting our winter retreat hoodie graphic. We're getting a great deal from Uth Stuph, where we usually get our event clothing, and we're going with hoodie's for the first time. So stay posted!

Props to the Band

Just wanted to give some props to our band. This morning we launched U2 Christmas and our band rocked it! Dean, our drummer almost didn't make it due to the weather, but chowed up just in time. Vic, our guitarist, nailed Pride (In the Name of Love) - He was The Edge! Donna added some awesome vocals and Jim, our bassist, has been getting better by the week.

We ransomed popular culture for Christ today and it fuels me to spread the gospel.

How Far?

The past 3 months have been an incredible growing time for me. I've been stretched in ways that, honestly, if God had told me what He was planning, I would've said "No no no - you mean I need growth here. Not there! Listen God - I know me and I'm gonna be too stubborn to let that part grow". So that where He's gone.

One thing I've been learning is how far, or more accurately, what to do with my passionate vision for my job and ministry. It's dangerous in ministry for me to over commit to the vision and take everyone there whether they want to go or not. In my mind this is where God's told me to go and we're going baby! I need to - I must! - follow the vision God's given with Him as the primary director, but discerning when and how is a true test of wisdom.

In the spirit of being transparent, let me give you a very real example: I didn't want to do a Christmas eve service. Our volunteer base is in a rebuilding stage. I wanted to give them time with their family. I wanted to spend that time with mine. And in my mind to walk out the vision I have for my part of the ministry at The Carpenter's, it's "Go big or Go home". I didn't feel like we could pull off something that would rock. However I'm seeing that there's a tremendous amount of power in the simple. Like last Sunday - we did an acoustic set. 4 simple songs - one of them with a hillbilly twang - and we received more encouragement for the simplicity and change of style than we ever have with a full band. Now, this weekend we'll have a full band and I'm pumped for it. I believe part of the vision God's given me for the Carpenter's is to bring worship music and popular culture music together in a cosmic unique explosion.

I guess I'm learning that the vision is about the people. We must walk a fine line between doing what they want us to do, and doing what their heart's truly want so that they are open then to the power of The Gospel.

Granger is a great example. They're launching "Let It Be Christmas", a Beatles themed Christmas series. Watch Rob Wegner, one of their teaching pastors intro it here. It's what the culture wants - the Beatles movie Across the Universe and the Cirque du Soliel show Love prove that. But they use what the culture wants to open their hearts to the Gospel and show that God is in everything - and especially interested in their lives.

This week we launch U2 Christmas with a very similar (we totally ripped it off from Granger's series form last year) thought process. Jim and I are excited to use the music of U2 for God. And I get to sing U2 stuff on Sunday.

Simply put - Rock the Gospel!!!


Tuesday night we began selling a new Bible at Ignite. It one that I've been using for the past few months and really enjoying. Honestly I just wanted to role out what I was having fun with, but during my message (we're working on getting a podcast up in the next few weeks) I stressed our desire at Ignite to take away any excuses that they might have for getting into The Word. I've found that many students just read to check off the "I read my Bible" box for God and don't really take the effort to understand what God's saying to them. So we bought ten of these Bible's and eight of them are gone already with many promising to buy one next week. Our secretary Jill is in scramble mode (well, if she wasn't, she is now) to find more.

People crave the life that comes from The Word. As we exemplify it's power, they will see more clearly their need for communication with God and, I believe, do anything possible to create it.

i wish

So it's 10 PM and I just got home from a budget meeting (I know it sounds boring but we sing and play pictionary... really............................ no not really). I've seen this website in Relevant (best mag out there in my op) but i've never checked it out. Cherie and I just spent the last 20 minutes laughing at these rockin' teeshirts. So check out and, because I've been eying the Target version of this T, here's my favorite:


4:50 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
Hey I'm exploring Blogger a bit and I'm trying out their Polls. Check it out to the right and weigh in!

A relenting God

3:29 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
I'm still in Amos - chapter 7 today. It continues to strike me how God relents. Chapter 7 shows Amos asking God in two visions in which he sees God allowing Israel to be destroyed to hold off - and He does! Can we change God? No, but He tells us that He will listen to us is we are obeying Him. (2 Chron. 7:14)

Amos is helping me relate to God more as a father in view of my own children. When Rory or Tate want something, as long as it won't hurt them in any way, I may give it to them even if I may have said no before - if they ask the right way. Does it make me a softy? Maybe. I'd like to think though that it shows the power of love. And if the power of love simply between us and our children is so great as to change a stubborn a mind as mine, how much greater is the love of Christ?

There are a slew of terms in Christianity that we've lost the meaning to - they've been desensitized after years of using them but not knowing them. God's love is one of those. I'm rediscovering it's power and sheer monstrosity lately. I'm pumped to see it worked out in my life. Down with the Christian-ese that has taken power away from the Bible!


So I've been reading through the Old Testament and the past few months have been in uncharted waters - books I've never read. I'm in Amos currently and what blows me away again and again is how God's grace is so ample and blatant. How could think that God is the far from us or disinterested when time after time He says "it's coming if you don't turn around. If you turn around I will relent."? We must remember that grace is what God has chosen to set himself apart. No other religion or faith utilizes the concept of grace. The being said, is grace the ideal difference in our life?

Fresh eyes

I'm diggin my new Bible. It's the Drink deeply NLT. I think that it's vital that we keep fresh eye's on the Word. It easy for us to let anything become mundane and whatever helps maintain a renewing mind and hunger for the Bible - do it. I was reading The message remix 2.0, but I wanted to get back to something I was used to. You'll also notice about both of these is the cool packaging - accept the A.D.D. and do whatever you can to STAY FOCUSED!

Hey and check out the new redesigned website! J.T. did an awesome job! It's simple to access and easy for us to maintain. Even the Ignite page rocks!

Crowder Concerto

It ROCKED!!! And yes - that is a "Guitar Hero" guitar tricked out crowder style that he played for "Never Ending". We had great positions (as there were no seats - but the back and foot pain was totally worth it) thanks to Justin Theal. One disappointment: there was a special meet and greet that we were not aware of and that extra moneys were to be paid for. So I was not on track to not getting my copy of "Everyone Wants to Go to Heaven" autographed after being shooed by security. But I got talking to Jonathan from The Myriad who opened the concert and had great conversation. He ran my book over and thus the outcome below:

Yes... Crowder knows my name... now. Phil Wickham has an absolutely sick voice and I'm getting The Myriad's CD when it comes out in March. High point of the show - Crowder and his boys use some crazy machinery to make the music they do. Seeing it first hand brought a whole sense of confusion to the experience. I was rocked. You can have your C.C./ Leeland expensive experience. I'll take Crowder and his funky mechanics (below) any day.


Diggin Carlos' podcast! He had some great resources that are so practical for worship leaders. Started using one of them today - - Check it out!

He also was on L.A. ink recently - watched it last night (God made the DVR himself).


Bought my tickets for the David Crowder Tour this morning! WOOO HOOO!! I can't wait to see a show where he headlines! AND he's touring with Phil Wickham who's music has been rocking the Hibbs house for the last year or so.

I love a good concert.

Hell by Simpson's and South Park

I'm still going through Daniel and I'm in chapter 9 where Dan is praying and he says this (in The Message): [God] Act out of who You are, not out of what we are.

That thought just blows me away. First off, what if God in all his power did act on who we are? Some of us that have been in church for a long time may immediately wander to "the Sinner" (ie. the murderer or adulteress), completely passing over our potentially gossip filled and lieing hearts. Yeah, see, what we deserve, you and I, is the same that"they" deserve. We deserve eternal separation.

One of the students at Ignite asked this question Tuesday during Open Mic: Why is hell so bad? First we established and agreed that South Park and the Simpson's were a little OFF with it. It's sad, but they're really just expressing what the culture truly believes - Hell's fun. Then I told them this (and it was good to put into words what I've thought - not often we have to do that as Christians): what's so bad about hell is simply that we are alone - no friends, but most importantly, no God. See we'll have been judged and have seen our true and exhaustive need for Him by then and be destined for eternity apart from Him.

That's what we deserve. But the second thing that gets me about Daniel's prayer is this: How often do we act like we'll get what we deserve - good or bad? I believe that we lack a true understanding of Grace in it's purest Godly form.

Way back The Newsboys wrote a song about it. Check it out here.

Let's find out what it means to live in grace.

The DX Update

Tuesday we wrapped up Parents of the Caribbean and got the results from the DX and I was blown away. Just goes to show that people are looking to connect with their creator.

One student gave up texting. Another gave up TV. Tom gave up torturing his teachers and told us how much he learned for 3 days. One of the V-Staff fasted for 3 days. Another student let TV go for the DX.

To read more about how the DX started click here.

Can't wait to turn it onto LTM tomorrow!

The Dangers of Podcasts

Ok so it's not a real danger (no limbs are close to falling off) and many of you most likely do not face it as much as pastors, however I've realized that at the rate that I listen to podcasts (one a day sometimes) it's easy to stop thinking for yourself. The primary job that have as Christians is creativity - using the imagination God gave us to show His message as the ever appealing gift that it is.

Some have said that creativity is really just stealing other ideas and improving on them, but I believe God's bigger than that. While I'll continue to get ideas form other churches, I will make sure to sink my thoughts more into the living Word.

It's easier to listen to other pastors and get "fed" (check out what Perry said about that here) than to really study scripture for ourselves. It's simply a wrestling match of priority.

The DX is Done!

Last night was my final night without TV.

Here are a few things I've learned from The Disciple Experiment:
  • TV easily distracts me from my family time and my God time - I need to be careful
  • I miss The Office the most (THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!)
  • Time with Cher is precious and it needs to take priority - while we do love watching thins together - that's NOT quality time.
I'm pumped to share this same message that brought on The DX with Langhorn Terrace Ministries next Sunday! Their pastor and good friend has given me the privilege of speaking and leading worship for them.

Rory's 1st Tattoo

The picture doesn't really do it justice. I tried to get Rory (my 2.5 yr. old) a sticker at the grocery store and instead she got one of those temporary tattoos of Donkey from Shrek. She's now watching Shrek and comparing the tattoo on her stomach to the actual character. It's priceless.

But it's got me thinking, how often do we question God? He speaks into our life - gives new revelation - and while we're in the midst of moving on it we doubt. If we're honest we doubt ourselves more than anything else. It really comes down to a misunderstanding of Grace and it's forgiveness. That doubt is reluctant wafts of past failures, mistakes, or sin. They've been forgiven but East from West (Psalm 103:12) hasn't solidified itself in our hearts. It also says in Psalm 103 that He has "removed" our sin. It's gone - all gone. Restoration is the outcome of grace - the working of that which we don't deserve or quite understand. We should have confidence, obviously not in us, but in the grace and power that we've submitted to. That is where the confirmation will come from.

Elephants and Swedish meatballs

I feel freed by The DX! Today I spent the day with my family at the zoo. Spent a lot of time with the elephants as Rory needed to work on her elephant noise and seek their approval. She has the attention span of her dad - we did the reptile house in about 7 minutes.

Then we went by Ikea on our way home and they've begun to sell their Swedish meatballs Fro... wait for it... ZEN! Tally has no idea what the glory of this development is which is a shame. VA needs some Ikea! I saw God today in those meatballs that we later enjoyed for our dinner.
I just don't think we realize what traps us and keeps us from being who God wants us to be. It's the little innocent things that we rationalize away so easily.

Tomorrow we're going to Jacobsburg State Park to play in the water falls - it's supposed to be hot again. By the way, heat makes the zoo animals you travel to see very lazy and elusive. Good thing they have the "Do not bang on glass" and "Do not feed" signs, because it's on days like today that minds like mine wander to "what do I have that I'm willing to part with in order to make this large carnivor do something other than sleep?"

DX update

6:45 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
So last night was amazing! It was the 1st time we've not watched TV together in almost a year during the we're-at-home-during-prime-time... time. I'm ashamed that I haven't done this sooner and that it isn't part of my life regularly. Well, it will be from now on!

I talked to my wife - had great conversation - like we haven't had in a long time. It was like getting to know her again. I read more of Daniel - rockin my world by the way that young men had that commitment to God and that's what He honored and displayed in His word - not being the most popular Christian, but the most controversial. Check out Perry's podcast on Jesus being controversial. I even read myself to sleep with Frodo and the gang. I've been wanting to read more and suddenly feel that all the time and motivation that I've been lacking has been looming behind the TV!

Today... THE ZOO! We're taking the kids to the Philly zoo. We've never been with them. The last time we went was when Cher was pregnant with Rory. Can't wait to see Rory (2.5 yrs. old) interact with creation!

The DX is totally worth it!

The Red Line Game

Try reading through this the first time skipping the parenthesis.

Stupid little confession - the Firefox browser underlines all of your misspelled words with a red dotted line as you type - similar to Word. I play this game... You see, my grammar (spelled that wrong the first time - saw no problem with and "er" ending) is sloppinesses (tried to misspell that, but believe it or not, it's actually a correctly spelled English word) and my spelling worse. Actually, my spelling is very phonetic because I learned to read, write, and spell in French before English (by the way - English is spelled wrong if not capitalized) - how's THAT for an excuse. The rocket scientist who designed (forgot the "g") the "learn French (also should be capitalized) or die" curriculum who's spel I was under from kindergarten through 4th grade didn't think English grammar was necessary (who spells THAT right the first time - is it 2 "c"s or 2 "s"s?) until 3rd grade.

So here's my game - can I try to actually correct the word on my own without right-clicking on it to get the answer. Sometimes I'm a ringer! I immediately (can't believe I actually got that one on the first try) see the mistake and correct it. Other times... I look at the supposed misspelled word and see no issues (no "r" in that by the way - figured that out without the right-click) threatening the English tradition. I'm A.D.D. though so I give up after 7 seconds. Try reading this again with my little notes on my game.

The Experiment sets in

3:54 PM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
I knew this would be the time when the choice would come - prime time. This is when replacing TV with God and family is going to hit home for me. As God would have it today, Cherie is out, Rory's with my mom, and Tate's asleep - and it's not even 7PM.

Part of me is keenly aware of the criticism that may come from this experiment. One might say that it shouldn't even be an experiment... it should be life all the time. To them I would say that anything that gets us out of the box to experience God in a new way is worth all the time and effort. If this was life, perhaps a good experiment would be to watch TV for 3 days straight and find God in our culture. BOO YAA (red line indicates this is spelled incorrectly)!

Just a note of Newspring: diggin' their "Reel Life" series podcast. Started to listen to Perry talk about prayer today on my way home and begin to dissect Matt. 6 and even in the short 15 min. ride home God revealed some new things to me.

Thankful for the Ipod.

The DX

10:39 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments

Today begins The DX - The Discipleship Experiment. We challenged each other last night at Ignite to replace one thing in out life with God Time for the next 3 days. I'm replacing TV. Another one of the V-Staff is replacing sleeping in.

The experiment is based on the premise that the disciples spent time with Jesus and thus new Him better and had greater awareness of their power through him. We were encouraged to team up with 2 others until the experiment ends Saturday to encourage each other through it.

I am really excited to hear what God has done by then in our lives! To those who are experimenting - be strong - it's worth it! Go for God's heart and let your selfishness drain!

2.5 days left.

Late Night Excitement

So I'm extremely pumped about not watching TV for the next 3 days!!

I challenged the students of Ignite tonight to The Discipleship Experiment - where we chose to replace one thing in our lives with God time in the form of prayer, scripture, or family time (family counts as God time because God gave them to you - find God in sunsets and sushi).

And I'm doing it together with them - I'm replacing TV with God time. I watch 2-3 hours of TV per night, by the way. It starts tomorrow morning so stay tuned for updates!

I know there might be criticism about all the time being God time, but there's always time for criticism later. Right now, I'm psyched about hearing students stories about the next 3 days.

Oh and it will all culminate with Tony's leadership training Saturday night!

Daniel Begins

6:28 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
I'm about to start the book of Daniel today after finishing Ezekiel yesterday. I'm pumped. I've been amazed at how much is in these "hidden" books that applies so well to life in general. Proof that the Word of God is living and active, not just to the church, but to everyone everywhere. Check out Ben's post from the other day - it messed me up and I'm still thinking about it.


I finished Ezekiel this morning. Whenever I finish reading anything I feel like I've accomplished a lot. Ezekiel has been a journey and it ended final measurements and rules for the Temple and the division of the land between the tribes and the land for the temple. It left me with this one thought: God is willing to do anything to make himself known. We are the ones who get in the way with our wills. God can and will use us to do amazing things, but He will not force us dictatorially. He desires our passion for the same things He is passionate about.

We often pray empty passionless prayers hoping that God will step in and "intervene". What of the responsibilities we have as Christ-followers?

When my father was dieing I prayed for his recovery with more passion than I've ever prayed before - believing that God could do it. Looking at my prayer life now... it is rushed and abbreviated as if I'm getting the "prayer star" on the Sunday School chart.

Ezekiel has left me asking myself what details I've missed of God's plan due to my impatience and lack of focus on God's passions? It really all comes down to selfishness vs. selflessness.


I've been going through Ezekiel now for a few months on my quest to finish the Bible (I've never read it all the way through). Today I was going through a few of the final chapters - 40-43 - and it's all about the temple dimensions and regulations. Here's what blew me away - the angel finishes telling Ezekiel all the details of the temple and Ezekiel says "The walls separated the Holy from the ordinary" (42:20). Not dirty or sinful or selfish or impure or even unholy... ordinary. How much do our lives represent just that - an ordinary attempt at representing a wholly extraordinary God?


I read 38 blogs this morning. It's been encouraging and innovative. I read 3 right now - Ben, Tally, and Perry. Keeping it simple.


7:49 AM by Tucker hibbs 1 comments
So I've been asking myself lately why God's not being clear. I'm currently standing on the forge of a decently large decision and I've been asking for direction, but hearing nothing. Well not nothing, but it's not what I'm looking for.

Two reasons I believe God does this:
It forces us to gut check our relationship with Him. Am I really trying to get to know Him or am I just looking for answers so I can be comfortable? It's easy for us to let our own comfort - be it with ease of the future or security in what others think - take first priority.

2. It doesn't let us run ahead and miss the opportunities for growth in that moment. For right now, right here, this is the moment we're here for. So I should be here, not 3 steps ahead. When it's time for the info I need to take the next step, God loves me and will not withhold it to make me uncomfortable. Here's a post that helped me in this moment today.

One more thing - God doesn't like it when I'm not comfortable. He doesn't allow it just because He can. I need reminding of that.


7:46 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
I've been really inspired be Ben's blog this morning. His posts are simple and short, but potent. I often feel like i need to expound an OT book in order to have a decent post (hence the scattered posting). So here goes my new philosophy - keeping it real and simple.

Book Notes: Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die; or The Escatology of Bluegrass

Gotta love that title.

Actually, you've gotta love Crowder's writing. It's deep and humorous at the same time. This is David Crowder's (of The David Crowder Band - hooray for super-creative original band names) 2nd book (see my notes on Praise Habit).

It's really a book about death, which my life seems to have been engulfed by over the past few years. Turns out, so has Crowder's.

The book is a split study on the history of the soul and the origin of Bluegrass music. Honestly, besides Nickel Creek, I've never listen to much bluegrass and haven't liked country much. But since reading Crowder's joke-ridden descriptions of it's origin, I've been looking to borrow Bill Monroe albums from my local library (and place them delicately on my ipod - insert evil laugh here).

The book almost seemed disconnected and dare I say unfocused, but upon reaching the last chapter, it all came together. It was very Sixth-Sense-ish.

Everybody wants to go to Heaven is also peppered with 2 different literary breaks (this rocks for ADD types like myself). One section that gives you a breaks from the sometimes admitted mind strain is some I.M. conversation between David and Mike Hogan, the co-author and member of the band. The other section is what they call columns. It's like continuing short stories that make you turn the book sideways (Crowder rocks the gimmick in a not-gimmicky way).

The end of the book is not what you expect either - check out the appendices and acknowledgments for a good laugh.

So no more spoilers. If you've experienced death there is a connected camaraderie between us. We wrote this book together.

Buy it here - it's only $10.

Slacker Blogger

That's me. People like Perry and Ben blog like every half-an-hour. I slack off and blog every two weeks. Oh well. I know my priorities are in order. Blogging for me is important, but I'd rather slack off there than with my family (it's a dangerous temptation for me).

But I need to take a page from some other pastoral bloggers and shorten things up. Keep things simple and then brain-dump every once and a while.

So I'm getting rid of the Miata (quick subject change... but keeping it simple). I was given a 1990 Miata by my father-in-law a few years ago and I've loved the idea of a convertible, but realized that you really only get about a weeks worth of combined fun per year out of it. I drove it all winter (smart) but now it's summer. It's hot and slightly impracticable as a family car. So it's Ebay's now. Check it out here. Just 4 days and 23 hours left!

Kid pics

These are old, but in demand (S.J.). Here are some pics of my kids


Don't back me into a corner!

Cute or plotting your demise?

This one's not old - I took it right now. I call it "Hey Dad let's play!"

This is one of those that give you a glimpse of the future. I can hear it now... "But we were just huggin!"


1:29 PM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
Just a quick note on this morning's service. First thanks for the inspiration Steve - we've never done anything like this before!

What was this revolutionary act that we took on at "church" this morning? Spontaneous baptism. Ok - it's not original. But it blew me away. We had our regular promo and signing up thing that has happened for the past few weeks but then today we provided all the necessary supplies for people to just get baptized today. Right now.

Honestly, my expectations were too low for God (shame on me Dean). That's probably why I was a weepy mess through the whole thing ( I cry... a lot). Eight people, on top of the 9 that had already signed up, dropped what they were doing and set everything aside and got baptized.

I was stoked be able to baptize Mark, who shared some stellar right-field-fence seats with me last night at the Phillies (not a fan) v. Pares(not a fan) game (just had fun) thanks to Patrick, Devin, one of our SLT-ers, Ashley and her brother, one of our students that has really taken some BIG growth steps lately, Dean (rock-n-roll king of the pink paisley Strat)and Trista, a good friend and wife of a golf buddy.

I know this is gonna sound sappy, but there are FEW (my wedding day and the birth of my kids) moments of of joy that rival that feeling of baptizing friends. I have the best job. Ever. Our service went 30 minutes long and there wasn't a dry eye in the house - mine included.


Just a quick note on Blogspot - I got a comment from someone recently asking a question about someone I blogged about. I f you don't include your email address in the body of your comment I can't respond. Over the past few months the poison comments have stopped and I'd love to respond to some of you - so INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL!


7:04 PM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
I was writing my message today for tomorrow's Ignite service (re-writing to be honest - I didn't want to preach the same one that I delivered 2 weeks ago over again - our students deserve more than that) and I came to a point where I really needed an illustration. I struggled to find one, but felt God say "just sit on it for now."

The I had some time tonight to catch up on my blogs (those of you that enjoy reading multiple blogs should check out google reader). Perry wrote this one a while ago and God clapped me with it. He works in spite of me. That always blows me away.


So for years now - since I had my first ministry position in 2001 - I've wanted to start a Student Leadership program within the Student Ministry. We finally began one at Ignite last year and had students sign on via our invitation for a 12-month commitment. To those of you thinking about starting one, other ministries invite students but for us it was not the best way. Just because we saw potential did not mean that they had the desire for the commitment.

This year it was coming time for the commitment to renew and I really wanted to learn from last year. So we announced the opportunity to apply for Student Leadership just a few days before the applications would be due. It created a sense of urgency and excitement, and that's good.

For Ignite, this was the way to do Student Leadership. We got a great crew of students - four returning to renew their commitment (out of the 10 that we had last year) and three newbies.

Here's where I get to brag on Jon Weeks. We set the age cut off at 10th grade but Jon has more potential as an up coming freshman than I had in my punk little toe when I was his age. I'm pumped to have him in the SLT (Student Leadership Team). I've watched him over the past year be the most outrageous person - not just freaky (he has more nerve than Johnny Knoxville) but he's outrageous with his faith enough to shame most pastors.

The training we did was an over night camping excursion (we excursed to the back of the church). It gave us time together to get to know each other and work through some leadership-building activities - thanks Tally.

Saturday was the hook up of the year! I had the idea of going white water rafting - like most of my cool ideas it showed up less than a week before the outing was to take place. I called some old friends who live by my mom and they went all out for us. They not only guided us precisely down the Lehigh River, but they paid for us too. They had no idea of the churches finances. So a big hairy SLT "THANKS!" to Art, Ernie, and Laurie Balathy.

I believe this years SLT will change the world. They are motivated, focused, and passionate to inspiration. It's priveledge to lead you - Em, Amanda, Devin, Chelsea, Sam, Becca, and Jon.

Orange Stress

For those of you that we're in The Carpenter's service this past Sunday, I just had to hand-peel an orange. All three of my "peelers" were dirty. It took a ridiculous amount of time. I'm very stressed now. Gotta go run the dish washer (seriously were they really even dirty? Really? Could you see the dirt or just smell the orangy goodness).

Cry Baby

So guess who came to church today? GOD.

This morning was amazing. I felt God moving through me confirming all the work He's been doing over the past week. I asked people to stand if they accepted Christ for the 1st time today and one girl stood up. It was her first time at Carpenter's and she was here because her daughter came to VBS this past week (Rock on Renee and Cher). She had some awesome tattoos and when she stood during the invitation she had tears pouring down her face. I got really choked up. I'm a cry baby. I cry easy (like... at Oprah and Extreme Makeover Home edition). I walked off stage while the worship team sang "follow you" (by Holyfire) and took a moment to just let the tears come. I found out later that she told the greeter at the door that she was just watching her daughter sing and then taking off because she "wasn't ready". That was one of the things I talked about - how we put off doing what God wants until we're ready, assuming God made a mistake by bringing things into our lives too soon. Call it what it is.

But honestly I was choked up all morning. Seeing the kids from Avalanche Ranch singing got me. I just could feel God moving and it's a powerful and privileged feeling.

So it was a good time. I never feel as useful to God as I do when I'm speaking. I did say "suck on that" today from the stage. It wasn't meant to be offensive... ok it was. People laughed though. I was talking about how I like to cook and how when I tell other men that I get all sorts of random Neanderthal comments. Just in case you think I was bluffing, last night I made a pork loin that was awful (I threw most of it out), but today for lunch I made bagel pizzas with home made sauce that rocked. You win some, you lose some.

Can't wait to drive up to Hamden this Wednesday with Justin. I was actually watching one of our favorite shows last night "Flip this house" and it was in Hamden. It was our favorite team to watch from CT Homes in New Haven. Anyway... people stepped up and gave over $1000 today for Holyfire. I'm pumped to see what the students do this Tuesday. Two weeks ago they gave almost $200 among the 40 of them. They're the best bunch I've ever had the privilege of working with.

I just felt blessed today.


Just wanted to give another public thanks to Chuck. Yesterday he walked in with another, badder laptop with more RAM potential and a faster processor. I spent the day setting it up and I'm digging it! Chuck's a great guy that loves to give. I hope he inspires more people like he's inspired me. Giving is underrated.

Who I am

Thought this was cool... and I felt the peer pressure from Tally and Cherie.

Good people to know, bargains, and other random thoughts

So I've got to throw out a blogosphere shout to my friend Chuck. He attends Carpenter's and works for a local hospital network. He's a great guy with a passion for reaching kids with the Word and a good guy to know. Here's why - after reading my blog post about my computer, he came in yesterday morning (dude's doing VBS every morning this week - not paid) and told me he had a laptop for me. Working for this local hospital network's IT department, he gets access to the outdated technology when they upgrade. He's provided numerous machines for us that Carpenter's wouldn't function without. He brought it in today and totally set it up - extra battery, extra power cord, a case, and a sweet dock. Chuck - you rock. It may not feel like much but you've helped further the kingdom with the technology. On a side note, Perry was talking in a podcast the other day about churches that say God doesn't use technology. Let's see what they do when the modern technology of their AC goes out in the next few months (tell your G-ma to chew on that Justin).

So I was looking for some upgrades for my new free (FREE!!) laptop and discovered a new website. I'm all about bargains and passing them along. Check out I got a 120 Gig External Firewire hard drive and a USB 2.0/Firewire Combo Card shipped for under $70. They deal with new and refurbished stuff. Rock the bargain.

I'm getting more and more excited about this weekend. Everything that God's been doing all week is building into it and He is going to do some major things - He already has in my heart and life. One of the main areas of my life He's been showing me needs a lot of work is my prayer life, or lack there of. After seeing what people can do when motivated behind a purpose like Holyfire's recent plight (more on that later - I'm going to Hamden CT next Wed.), I'm praying and believing in God to knock our financially-doubtful teeth out this week. Don't miss it. See you Sunday.

CTL Inspiration

I get to preach this week and I am so stoked. I was working through the message yesterday and and God was speaking so clearly. I'm excited to let loose what He's been pouring into me. I'll be talking about overcoming adversity as pt. 3 of Chase the Lion. I truly believe that God's going to get up close and personal this week. If you walk out offended, it's the Holy Spirit, not me.

I've gotten so outside inspiration this week from Perry. I listen to Perry's podcast every week (well i'm like 3 months behind). Everyone should listen to a podcast here and there - even if you don't have an ipod you can get itunes for free and listen to them on your computer. Some you need to pay for but most churches and ministries are free. Check out Perry's, Tally's and, my new favorite, Tony and Tim's. The last one has been done for a while (no new episodes) but you can still DL all of them and catch up. They're practical ministry guru's that won't preach at you but help you work out the details of running a church. They've written come awesome books too.

Bottom line - get some inspiration somewhere. God's brought people through life so you can use their story as fuel. And when you get through some rough crap, tell the story or put some resources out there so God can use you the same way. See you Sunday (or for the next 5 weeks, Suday).

Tattoo 2

6:40 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments

Rory and I compared Tattoos last week. Her "Nemo" was pretty intimidating. Thanks Sam. I've decided on a tattoo design, well at the general idea. It actually came originally from my mother-in-law. It's going to be an olive tree. I did some research and an olive tree has extremely long life because when part of it dies a new part grows up around it and the tree continues to grow. It's always moving forward. Always growing. I love the thought process. and the images is cool too. It will go on my left forearm and Chris Garver will be doing it (in my dreams).


I would really like a lap top. I'm not just groveling for the latest technology, I have good reason. One of which would be this past week. We spent an amazingly long week in Chesapeake, VA and it would've been great to be able to blog each day about the progress. It's not exactly a name brand PC. I'm not even sure it's a PC. I believe it to be descendant of an ancient model in the "Quantum Leap" era. Notice the Velcro and stickers holding it together. It keeps tricking me and telling me to put USB devices in the USB 2 slots in the back where there are none. And the hamster that runs in the little wheel inside to keep the machine running is getting more demanding... and scary. So how about it? Anyone out there want to give a pastor with a severely lame computer a leg up? I'm tired of people thinking that the Church should get the leftovers (check out our "library" for all your latest someone-gave-this-to-me-and-it's-boring reads). We should have the best because we have the best to offer.

Chesapeake 07

6:50 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
Alright, it was amazing and here's the quick blitz of the week: Sunday late worship. Monday, due to door hanger mishap, house remodel AM, door hangers PM (door hanger mishap #2). Tuesday, rip CARD distribution due to door hanger mishap #2 AM, party in the park sans sound equipment due to lack of communication on the city of Chesapeake's part (mad props to Tally for keeping his cool). Wednesday July 4th, drive to Reston Community Church's neighborhood for door hanger distribution and lunch, spend afternoon split between a quarantined Air and Space Smithsonian and a pricey Holiday Inn restaurant (I know "pricey restaurant" and "Holiday Inn" don't seem to fit) due what the Nation's Capital called "severe weather". Severe enough to evacuate the mall, but not severe enough to cancel 23 minutes of fireworks. Thursday, back to house remodel to sweat off a few pounds while getting dirty. Jon weeks improved the property value by like 10 Gs with his landscaping. You rock Jon! (see picture). Friday, Busch Gardens - get stuck in major traffic with 4 vans who's AC doesn't not work while stationary and 1 that is leaking transmission fluid like crazy (what's a mission trip without a hot car ride. Seriously. Has there ever been one?). Saturday, rework Party in the Park 2 for new location due to City's miscommunication and find a weird "Christian restaurant" on th VA Beach. Sunday, Focal Point's service and 8-hour ride home (it took 6 to get down there).

It's was a wild week full of changes. At some point I looked at my wife, who was accompanying me for the first time on a mission trip, and said with all my heart "I live for this". I'd do it again right now. It has nothing to do with students. Honestly, I believe it would've been worse with a group of adults. These students took everything that we could throw at them without ANY fuss and made a difference in a community. No, it wasn't the fun factor of the students, or Becca's 16th birthday, or meeting John Smith for the first time, or giving away 2 ipods and a Wii. It was seeing God move and move and move, despite circumstances. It was a very internal trip. By that I mean that the majority of the work was done inside all of us that went. It's easy to trust God trough our plans, but when God takes our plans away and forces us to rely on him minute by minute, the world changes.


We've officially gone too long without car trouble. You see, car trouble has been a Hibbs household staple for many years - we've learned a lot about repairs, AAA, and the reason that Hyundai's have such good warranties.

Tonight I was on my way to worship practice and there's a portion of the road that floods a bit when it rains. Well, it was POURING. I tip toed up to that spot in the road in picturesque Freemansburg (which I now know thanks to a lovely gentleman at the towing dispatch center is in fact part of the Main St. extension and not main street - I've just taken over apart of your brain with useless info!) and watched another car off similar stature traverse the flooded area without a problem. Not to be out done, I figured I'd do it with a little gumption (reasoning of course that it was so I'd not get stuck). Bad idea. I stalled. No, not in the 16" deep water, just right on the other side. I said it was pouring, right?

Here's the cool part (at least to me), some students stopped to help me push. They were barely 16 or so and were quick to help. It was a bright spot in my day.

My personal slave came to rescue (I hope Justin knows how truly invaluable he is to Carpenter's and Ignite and how "slave" is a very loving term) and we pushed to car to a safe spot. I returned later with Steven to try some fixes - mainly pulling the spark plugs to try to blow out some of the water. To my severe dismay (I know enough about engines to be dismayed) one of the plugs was coated with oil. Oil good. Spark plugs good. Oil on spark plugs BAD. Oil's supposed to stay in the lower part of the engine while the sparks plugs are at home above (draw your own spiritual reference HERE).

All that to say... I don't know. I hope the fix is as easy as the AAA tow truck driver said, but I dropped it at the service center I use without being able to let them know as it was 11pm. I feel a bit awkward about that, by the way. Kind of like "hey, I'm coming over, OK?", as opposed to "Can I come over?". They're good guys there and I'm hopeful that they can repair the Neon (I know, you were expecting the pastoral '84 Skylark. NO no no - I am well taken care of. Seriously it's the nicest car we've ever owned).

I'm sure God teaching us faith and reliance again. We'll learn it again. I'll keep you updated on His progress.

72 hours

Ok so I'm a hairy ogre. Well, maybe just hairy - ogre's are rather large in size and quality, and I'm just a little guy (but with a big heart). 72 hours after Bic-ing - this is what I get. I loved the sensation of a smooth skull but it lasted only about 12 hours. After that, I could sand down a decent-sized oak table. See, it's rather sharp - my hair. They don't tell you that putting on a shirt gets harder due the the Velcro like material now atop your head. So I won't be doing that regularly. I won't say never - I've learned that ones with my personality should not say never - we get bored too quickly and never seems interesting again. However, if I did decide to make it my regular do (I do long for my hawk back), Tally sent me this interesting web site for "Headblade". For $15 you can own this radical, wheel-toting gadget designed to make shaving head "Headblading" rather than Bic-ing. Well... it's cheaper than the Mach 3! And I've gotten more comments on this post than any in a while... what should I cut next? The tattoo is coming as soon as I have the cash. I'm sure pastors-with-tattoos anonymous will come to my aid.

Anyway... we're rolling out part 2 of Chase the Lion tonight for Ignite at which we'll be showing our interview with Bob Matyus. Bob lives across the street from Carpenter's and has a large collection of dead things. I can't come remotely close to doing it justice - with either "large" or "dead". We'll post the video to my you tube site tonight and you can check it out there.


Ok, so I haven't blogged in like 3 weeks so this should probably be something deep... nope. I've been shaving my head for a few months now. By shaving I mean the lowest setting on the clippers with no attachment. It's a great feeling. I mean, I love my hair and as soon as Tate has the resources we'll sport matching faux-hawks, but to never have to worry about how your hair looks is a nifty treat. I have a friend who bics his and I've always wanted to ("bic" translation: with a razor typically used on your face. Derived from the cheap disposable razors by "Bic") do the same. This morning in a random, wasn't-planning-on-doing-this-quite-yet sort of what the heck moment, I took the plunge. Now I love Tim -he smeared me on the greens yesterday by like 10 shots- my bic-ing friend, but yesterday on the course when I asked for any advise in my future prospective smoothness endeavor, he simply said "Mach 3". Now I use the M3 (recently I upgraded to the turbo so I could spend 20 bucks on replacement razors) so that base was covered. What Tim should have pointed out, and what I am delivering to you all listening free of charge, is that gravity forces the shaving cream into your eyes and that burns a bit. Trying to get a smooth skull can be seriously compromised by a lack of sight. So make a note.

I like it though - the smoothness, not the retinal burning. You've never felt that sensation in that area. It may look weird (Cher actually used the word snake), but you've got to try it at least once. Don't let what people think keep you from an entertaining life full of potency.

Oh Crap

Oh Crap, originally uploaded by tuckerhibbs.

This is the best picture of my son Tate thus far in our never ending digital picture rampage. It embodies all my fear of being caught doing... something. Thus my title: Oh Crap.


Just wanted to say hey to whoever you are in Mumbai that visited There's big "Hoo-Raa" from inside me that gets hit worldwide. I know it's no big deal, but to you in Mumbai, India, you rock for visiting my page for 37 seconds and clicking 2 times!! (google analytics is awesome) In the slight case that it was some of my YWAMer compadres, miss ya' and love ya!


2:37 PM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments

Attitude..., originally uploaded by tuckerhibbs.

This is my two-year old. She is independent and often looks at me like I'm the inexperienced one. She is Rory.

I see God

I see God...

...In the lyrics of th Dixie Chicks song "Easy Silence" that mimics the way God moves sometimes in my life:
And I come to find a refuge in the Easy silence that you make for me It's okay when there's nothing more to say to me And the peaceful quiet you create for me And the way you keep the world at bay for me The way you keep the world at bay

...In the Father who struggles with the fear of not finding work, but smiles at the chance to spend more time with his kids

...In the music of the Cranberries that match my mood

...In the search for a house to call our own and in the specifics he's put on our hearts so we can be "picky" but patiently confident

...In the way my daughter loves her new "big girl" underwear (curious george style)

...In the timing of life - nothing is without his touch and happens precisely when He means it to

...In the way Tate smiles so easy at everyone

I'm looking for God more and finding Him.

28 years later

Today's my 28th birthday and I had this really cool thought that made getting a little older a little more exciting. See, I have this gorgeous, thoughtful, and wildly intelligent wife and I can't wait until I've spent more time together with her than I have without her. I spent 21 years without her. I'm really looking forward to my 42nd birthday.


In my last post I talked about terminology and I got some personal clarification on that today. I was listening to a podcast called "Practically Speaking" - it's an interview from North Point Church in Georgia (Andy Stanley's the head pastor) and in part 3 they're talking about focus. Here's the idea: by creating a brand for your ministry, whether that be students or Sunday service, you create an idea in the minds of people. That idea is who you are when people think of you. It's your brand. Look at the picture above. It's universal for the same product. Just that picture brings to mind for me a very specific taste. I like Coke, but on a really hot, sweaty day, no thanks. Coke has planted itself in my mind.

Focus. If we can define who we are - focus on what God's made us to be - life would be very different. I'm talking hot day here and hot day in Sacramento different. We'd admit that we aren't good at everything, but a lot of churches try to be good at everything. Let's face it, more happy people means financial stability. Focusing means saying no. I'm learning this on a personal level. If I can focus on what I'm good at and say no to what I'm not, my schedule would be liberated, my mind would be less cluttered. Think about it: what if you had two things to worry about - be a creative friend, and don't be lazy at work. That's it. How freeing would that be. And think about it this way... what if we all focused on the SAME things when it came to a church. I'm not talking global church, I'm talking right here. What if all our gifts, radical, different, and passionate, were all trying to accomplish the same thing?

At Carpenter's, we're focusing on 4 things. That's it. And we're going to do them excellently. "Excellently" meaning that people are going to come to Jesus because of them. Come this Sunday and hear what they are.

A little deeper

Last Tuesday we baptized six students at Ignite. Baptism always brings me to tears (that doesn't make me weak, it makes me alive). We called that nights "Plunge" and talked about fear - fear driving our decision rather than God. I was again impressed by one of our V-Staff that shared after the baptism on the benefit of small groups. God has a way of tying the theme of Ignite together from start to finish even when I have put my thoughts elsewhere. I had asked this V-Staff to share for a few minutes because we received an encouraging email from her earlier in the week about her Jr. High girls SG and how the students were tying in the message from Sunday into their lesson in their SG. She talked about going deep and most of the time when she had heard people talk about "going deeper" they meant something mystical. Oh, we'd never step up to that word, but think about it. Many times "deeper" means a feeling of inferiority - of feeling small next to a great... well, it should be "God" there, but I think it's more times than not, "Preacher".

I have been truly challenged lately in the area of going deeper. Really, what we're talking about is discipleship, and it never comes to our mind that that burden lies on us. We hurl it on the leaders of our church to make us feel as though we are part of something so big that we just don't even get it. We make it about feelings, as we usually do, and thus we have a severely lame faith, only focusing on ourselves and that feeling. The challenge that I've been feeling is not only a personal one, but one of public responsibility.

First, it's our fault. Not feeling deep in your faith? Then you're not plugging into The Source (how's that for mystical). Milk to meat right? Let's (myself included) grow up and stop blaming God and His authority figures for our own laziness. The offspring of this mindset of "feed me 'til I'm full" is an attitude that is not fully devoted. An attitude that says to God "I'll be here Sunday and act pretty smart and religious, but as for the rest of my life you can kiss my rear!" Ok - totally stole that from Perry. Check him our at

Second, we need to stop pretending like we have our own separate culture that you need to be part of. We need to talk like regular people. I know this is a bit anal, but I've been censoring my language and removing words we only use in church. Why talk different in church especially if we're attempting to reach people that, for the most part, hate it? I've been asking myself, "If i wasn't a church goer, would I know what you're talking about?" I heard a Gospel presentation at a wedding recently and asked that question. I had to shamefully admit that it was so unclear that it was like a football play from a different team and I would've been left smeared by the opponent.

I don't use "big church words" anymore. I don't use "youth" - it's condescending. I don't use phrases like "washed in the blood". Don't get me wrong, I know and love the concepts, but we can put a little more effort in and say it in plain language. I also use The Message as my primary Bible (oh here come the emails). That's right - the primary Bible I use is The Message Remix 2.0. Here's why: If Jesus were on earth today, I believe that's how He would communicate with us. On top of that, it helps me break those cultural lines that we've created.

That's going deeper.


I like swallowing. It's something that over the past 27 years, honestly, I've taken for granted. Thanks to a new development though, I won't be doing that anymore. Streptococcus. It's in my throat. I've been ordered to take a sick day and thus the spare time to blog. It's been short (the spare time) and trying to keep priorities in order, if something has to go, blogging isn't a necessity. But thanks to Strep throat... .

So just to see who is still reading, I'd like some suggestions. I want a new tattoo (apparently my other one isn't real) and I can't up with a design. The title of the blog is "Forward" because we are never fully at maturity - there's always a next step. We must keep moving and if it's not forwards, it's backwards. I want it on my left inner fore arm. How can I show "forward"? An arrow is lame. Just the word isn't enough. Any thoughts? I'll post your suggestions. I'm hoping Trevorr reads this and designs something for me :-0. I'll also post any designs you send in and let you all know when I get it done.