Elephants and Swedish meatballs

I feel freed by The DX! Today I spent the day with my family at the zoo. Spent a lot of time with the elephants as Rory needed to work on her elephant noise and seek their approval. She has the attention span of her dad - we did the reptile house in about 7 minutes.

Then we went by Ikea on our way home and they've begun to sell their Swedish meatballs Fro... wait for it... ZEN! Tally has no idea what the glory of this development is which is a shame. VA needs some Ikea! I saw God today in those meatballs that we later enjoyed for our dinner.
I just don't think we realize what traps us and keeps us from being who God wants us to be. It's the little innocent things that we rationalize away so easily.

Tomorrow we're going to Jacobsburg State Park to play in the water falls - it's supposed to be hot again. By the way, heat makes the zoo animals you travel to see very lazy and elusive. Good thing they have the "Do not bang on glass" and "Do not feed" signs, because it's on days like today that minds like mine wander to "what do I have that I'm willing to part with in order to make this large carnivor do something other than sleep?"

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