The Red Line Game

Try reading through this the first time skipping the parenthesis.

Stupid little confession - the Firefox browser underlines all of your misspelled words with a red dotted line as you type - similar to Word. I play this game... You see, my grammar (spelled that wrong the first time - saw no problem with and "er" ending) is sloppinesses (tried to misspell that, but believe it or not, it's actually a correctly spelled English word) and my spelling worse. Actually, my spelling is very phonetic because I learned to read, write, and spell in French before English (by the way - English is spelled wrong if not capitalized) - how's THAT for an excuse. The rocket scientist who designed (forgot the "g") the "learn French (also should be capitalized) or die" curriculum who's spel I was under from kindergarten through 4th grade didn't think English grammar was necessary (who spells THAT right the first time - is it 2 "c"s or 2 "s"s?) until 3rd grade.

So here's my game - can I try to actually correct the word on my own without right-clicking on it to get the answer. Sometimes I'm a ringer! I immediately (can't believe I actually got that one on the first try) see the mistake and correct it. Other times... I look at the supposed misspelled word and see no issues (no "r" in that by the way - figured that out without the right-click) threatening the English tradition. I'm A.D.D. though so I give up after 7 seconds. Try reading this again with my little notes on my game.

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