CTL Inspiration

I get to preach this week and I am so stoked. I was working through the message yesterday and and God was speaking so clearly. I'm excited to let loose what He's been pouring into me. I'll be talking about overcoming adversity as pt. 3 of Chase the Lion. I truly believe that God's going to get up close and personal this week. If you walk out offended, it's the Holy Spirit, not me.

I've gotten so outside inspiration this week from Perry. I listen to Perry's podcast every week (well i'm like 3 months behind). Everyone should listen to a podcast here and there - even if you don't have an ipod you can get itunes for free and listen to them on your computer. Some you need to pay for but most churches and ministries are free. Check out Perry's, Tally's and, my new favorite, Tony and Tim's. The last one has been done for a while (no new episodes) but you can still DL all of them and catch up. They're practical ministry guru's that won't preach at you but help you work out the details of running a church. They've written come awesome books too.

Bottom line - get some inspiration somewhere. God's brought people through life so you can use their story as fuel. And when you get through some rough crap, tell the story or put some resources out there so God can use you the same way. See you Sunday (or for the next 5 weeks, Suday).

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