A relenting God

I'm still in Amos - chapter 7 today. It continues to strike me how God relents. Chapter 7 shows Amos asking God in two visions in which he sees God allowing Israel to be destroyed to hold off - and He does! Can we change God? No, but He tells us that He will listen to us is we are obeying Him. (2 Chron. 7:14)

Amos is helping me relate to God more as a father in view of my own children. When Rory or Tate want something, as long as it won't hurt them in any way, I may give it to them even if I may have said no before - if they ask the right way. Does it make me a softy? Maybe. I'd like to think though that it shows the power of love. And if the power of love simply between us and our children is so great as to change a stubborn a mind as mine, how much greater is the love of Christ?

There are a slew of terms in Christianity that we've lost the meaning to - they've been desensitized after years of using them but not knowing them. God's love is one of those. I'm rediscovering it's power and sheer monstrosity lately. I'm pumped to see it worked out in my life. Down with the Christian-ese that has taken power away from the Bible!

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