
Ok, so I haven't blogged in like 3 weeks so this should probably be something deep... nope. I've been shaving my head for a few months now. By shaving I mean the lowest setting on the clippers with no attachment. It's a great feeling. I mean, I love my hair and as soon as Tate has the resources we'll sport matching faux-hawks, but to never have to worry about how your hair looks is a nifty treat. I have a friend who bics his and I've always wanted to ("bic" translation: with a razor typically used on your face. Derived from the cheap disposable razors by "Bic") do the same. This morning in a random, wasn't-planning-on-doing-this-quite-yet sort of what the heck moment, I took the plunge. Now I love Tim -he smeared me on the greens yesterday by like 10 shots- my bic-ing friend, but yesterday on the course when I asked for any advise in my future prospective smoothness endeavor, he simply said "Mach 3". Now I use the M3 (recently I upgraded to the turbo so I could spend 20 bucks on replacement razors) so that base was covered. What Tim should have pointed out, and what I am delivering to you all listening free of charge, is that gravity forces the shaving cream into your eyes and that burns a bit. Trying to get a smooth skull can be seriously compromised by a lack of sight. So make a note.

I like it though - the smoothness, not the retinal burning. You've never felt that sensation in that area. It may look weird (Cher actually used the word snake), but you've got to try it at least once. Don't let what people think keep you from an entertaining life full of potency.

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