Book Notes: Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die; or The Escatology of Bluegrass

Gotta love that title.

Actually, you've gotta love Crowder's writing. It's deep and humorous at the same time. This is David Crowder's (of The David Crowder Band - hooray for super-creative original band names) 2nd book (see my notes on Praise Habit).

It's really a book about death, which my life seems to have been engulfed by over the past few years. Turns out, so has Crowder's.

The book is a split study on the history of the soul and the origin of Bluegrass music. Honestly, besides Nickel Creek, I've never listen to much bluegrass and haven't liked country much. But since reading Crowder's joke-ridden descriptions of it's origin, I've been looking to borrow Bill Monroe albums from my local library (and place them delicately on my ipod - insert evil laugh here).

The book almost seemed disconnected and dare I say unfocused, but upon reaching the last chapter, it all came together. It was very Sixth-Sense-ish.

Everybody wants to go to Heaven is also peppered with 2 different literary breaks (this rocks for ADD types like myself). One section that gives you a breaks from the sometimes admitted mind strain is some I.M. conversation between David and Mike Hogan, the co-author and member of the band. The other section is what they call columns. It's like continuing short stories that make you turn the book sideways (Crowder rocks the gimmick in a not-gimmicky way).

The end of the book is not what you expect either - check out the appendices and acknowledgments for a good laugh.

So no more spoilers. If you've experienced death there is a connected camaraderie between us. We wrote this book together.

Buy it here - it's only $10.

1 Response to "Book Notes: Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die; or The Escatology of Bluegrass"

  1. Sarah Says:

    We love Bluegrass; we're going to a festival today; even Haven gets into it; I hope you Hibbs move to Jim Thorpe soon ; you're way too hip for living so far away

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