What was this revolutionary act that we took on at "church" this morning? Spontaneous baptism. Ok - it's not original. But it blew me away. We had our regular promo and signing up thing that has happened for the past few weeks but then today we provided all the necessary supplies for people to just get baptized today. Right now.
Honestly, my expectations were too low for God (shame on me Dean). That's probably why I was a weepy mess through the whole thing ( I cry... a lot). Eight people, on top of the 9 that had already signed up, dropped what they were doing and set everything aside and got baptized.
I was stoked be able to baptize Mark, who shared some stellar right-field-fence seats with me last night at the Phillies (not a fan) v. Pares(not a fan) game (just had fun) thanks to Patrick, Devin, one of our SLT-ers,

I know this is gonna sound sappy, but there are FEW (my wedding day and the birth of my kids) moments of of joy that rival that feeling of baptizing friends. I have the best job. Ever. Our service went 30 minutes long and there wasn't a dry eye in the house - mine included.
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