
First off, thanks for the blog love Charles.

We've redone (because Charles was awesome enough less than a week before traveling to an undisclosed area in Southeast Asia to redo it) the interview that sucked. The audio quality was so bad on the 1st interview with Charles that I was ashamed. But Episode 5 of The Little Big Church Podcast - The Sticks - is done and up.

I wanted give you some links to some of what Charles and I talked about and give you his info.

Here's Charles blog and you can email him through that.

Here's the link to the Andy Stanley book Charles referenced - Choosing to Cheat.

Here's the link to The Sticks Conference (you must go)

Here's the site. That's the big Sunday AM service with 17 churches that Charles pulled off.

Here's a link to the blogs and sites of some of the names that were dropped.

Willow Creek

Mark Batterson's blog...

Tim Stevens blog...

Hope you enjoy the podcast! Here's where you can listen. Here it is in iTunes.

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