Mixed messages

How often do I send mixed messages from my platform? We all have a platform. Maybe it's just your home. Maybe your job. Whatever it is, we must gut check ourselves with this question that has plagued me (or Holy Sprited me): Am I ready to live this now?

It's always easier to direct. It's simpler to see the big picture than it is to get there. The task though for us as leaders, wherever you're leading, is to accomplish the goal. It's not to tell people what the goal is.

Two thoughts on what I've learned about this thus far: people learn better, meaning what they learn lasts longer, when they see the task accomplished passionately. Don't miss that last word. The second thing is that if we as leaders remove ourselves from the task for too long we'll loose the goal entirely. Those who are ADD I'm sure are with me here. How often do you start a task only to forget why you're doing it? The same thing governs leadership.

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