The more I see it the more it frustrates me and turns me off to people. It's this need for attention that overcomes one to the point that they create an issue out of nowhere, or intensify one that could've gone smoothly.
A few thoughts... first, it's all about security. We talked about this in our Elders Bible Study just this morning. If we are secure in our identity as Jesus was here in Philippians 2:6, I'm confident that we wouldn't need to drum up controversy. Second, we must realize that this (not creating dramatics) is counter cultural - everything revolves around drama - movies, celebrities, TV. If you're gonna to counteract this tendency, it may require changing your circle of friends to one that doesn't gossip, or changing your influences and routines.
The bottom line is that it reflects a lack of faith in God. Is He in control or not? If He is, then why use the circumstances that surround us to demonstrate that we are? Someone who lights a fire to watch it burn is called a pyromaniac. I do it. You do it. Let's stop it
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