
That's what my car rides are like now. Quiet. I lost my cell charger and my phone went dead. It's been about 36 hours and I'm ashamed that I was so reliant on something technological. I've been feeling, and I know know now that it was the Holy Spirit, like I should shut it off for a while. Now I've been forced to. They discontinued my phone and it's accessories, so I had to order one on line. It's gonna be a few more days. But now, I'm enjoying it. I'm forcing myself to.

Inconvenient? Sure. But nothing compared to the amount of time that I felt I needed to find worth in communicating with others. The need to have constant connections, I believe, was detracting from my desire for closeness with God. It was a distracting that I ran to because I didn't feel like connecting with God.

The cool thing is, I've been praying more clearly than I have in years and I feel like I actually have more time on my hands. I've been spending less time trying to control everything - think about it: we try be aware of every situation through our cell connections so that we can make sure it all goes as planned. While there's nothing inherently wrong with the principle, the definition it was bringing to my day-in, day-out life is scary. If you need the phone on, you need a priority shift. And this one's uncomfortable.

2 Response to "Quiet"

  1. Eric Lee Says:

    Where did you get your blog layout from? I'd like to get one like it for my blog.

  2. tucker Says:

    here's where i got the theme - should be somewhere on this site - http://web2feel.com/

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