
So I'm on this tangent of leadership and un-involvement. Here's my thought: how much of the Bible is exemplified in our lives? Let's take stock...

Love without limits?

Compassion on the least?

Passion for justice?

Life colored by a communal sacrifice?


Mercy and patience to those who don't derserve it?

See, we take the easy ones... like number of Jesus bumper stickers or T-shirts and claim a kingdom mindset. Or claiming a drive for Christlike-ness and living in a house that's too big and driving a more-than-reliable car.

When are we going to get our hands dirty in the sinful crap of life and let go of the fear of God being an impostor? That's really how we see Him sometimes, isn't it? An impostor that invades our lives. I don't want a big house, I need shelter. I don't want a nice car, transportation helps me get to and from opportunities. I want to see lives changed and joyful about their future because now it has direction.

What do you need to let fall to the side so you can get dirrty?

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