Twitter Update for 2008-08-31

  • Getting ready to sold to church. our 2nd ministry leader meeting is tonight. combine that with my typical sunday am energy and i'm pumped! #

  • Got the afternoon to myself. #

  • jake and i are clicking tonight! i just finished my talk for the leadership meeting and he had the same scripture on his mind as i did. #

The Zoo

2:15 PM by Tucker hibbs 1 comments
Went to the Philly Zoo last saturday.

Twitter Update for 2008-08-30

  • @W1NK - we want pictures! #

Twitter Update for 2008-08-29

  • So putting the wii fit board on carpet makes a big difference- i lost 30 pounds since last night #

  • The moment of truth - my Wii Fit age was 29. let's see how it handles a chick pregnant with twins. #

  • Ok - carpet is officially Wii Fit cheating. we took it off the carpet and it asked cher if she was holding a 30 sound object #

  • Watching the closing ceremonies #

  • Had another dirty day with josh replacing a window. looking forward to a long and decently empty weekend #

  • At the dump. these places are cool. and the stink is different than you think #

  • i wish i could blog from my phone. i've been a blog slacker this week. #

  • Headed out to do some shopping and dinner at Cici's #

  • At Cici's #

  • Time for the dessert plate. cinnamon bun-induced coma here i come #

Twitter Update for 2008-08-28

  • Getting my hands dirty with josh today #

  • Ripping up parkay flooring #

Twitter Update for 2008-08-27

  • @amandakola- i've done in awesome job training my SLT. anyone want a seminar? #

  • Headed home. message felt good tonight #

  • Gonna try to remake Life Church's YOU'RE DEAD. . . SO NOW WHAT? graphic today for the local free paper and a mass mailing. the pressure! #

Twitter Update for 2008-08-26

  • Hope all you naz kids have a great 1st day at school! #

  • Going riding with jon #

  • Just tried a jump with jon's new bike. . . wiped out. it was gramma-ugly, but i'm fine #

Twitter Update for 2008-08-25

  • Going into our staff meeting. i'm too ADD for staff meetings. i need staff meetings to revolve around activities- like paintball or Moto ... #

  • Tate's passed out on the wife- trying to finish up the olympics #

Org. Chart

12:30 PM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
We rolled out our org. chart last night for the first time to some of our ministry leaders. It was met with good vibes and anticipation for the future. I can't help but think 2 things at once: (1) Why did it take us so long to get here? and (2) Holy crap! Look how much more there is to do!

For anyone walking through or thinking about walking through the process of organizing like this, be patient. Leading people means effective communication and that takes time. More than that it means you as the leader learning the best way to communicate to various audiences. It's more challenging than preaching. You can't blow through it and hope that people will get it eventually - especially at the the stage when you're displaying it for your leadership. But at the same time there will always be some that refuse to get on board, so don't hold the train up for ever, or it will empty out and your work will start over.

Twitter Update for 2008-08-24

  • Shouldn't have had so much fun talking to patrick about Iraq yesterday. . . now i wanna go #

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Twitter Update for 2008-08-23

  • That was nice. i ate 6 pounds of olive garden pasta. feeling plump and satisfied. . . and closer to my wife #

  • Going to the philly zoo with jen and patrick #

  • It's a DMB day on the iPod in honor of Leroy Moore. the music world lost true talent this week and the band will never be the same #

  • At the Philly zoo #

  • Heading home. do we risk 76 traffic or take the long way - 95 To 476 ? #

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Twitter Update for 2008-08-22

  • Just caught up on my texts and voicemails - haven't gotten any since sunday. get the full story at #

  • Chillin and being lazy. date night tonight! #

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10:56 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
Anyone need a cell charger for a G'zOne? Seems I have a surplus now that I found mine... after a wash and dry. Must have been in a pair of shorts from SLT Training weekend. It's a little melted. Still works though. It's been off since Sunday afternoon. Just got half way through my text inbox and it filled back up again. When I turned it on it vibrated for 5 minutes straight.

I need to talk on it less. Text less. It was an addiction as it interfered with everything. Cold turkey was good. Thank God for his love of personal interventions when you procrastinate change.


6:24 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
Being phone-less is weird - I love the freedom but it still feels like something is missing. Looks like it will be into next week before I'm back up. I think this is how freedom works though - I'm apprehensive about it. I've been used to captivity. I wonder if this is how the recently post-enslavement Israelites felt?


I'm really looking forward to this weekend. We're meeting up with some friends from Indiana that we first met last summer. Cher's been involved with a mothering website since Rory was born and last year we went to Ohio for a camping excursion to meet some of the people she'd been talking to for so long. I love meeting new people and it was fun. This past Sunday Cher went to NYC with a couple of girls. But this weekend we get to reconnect with Patrick and Jen. We met them camping last summer and hit it off. Patrick's in Iraq right now and I'm looking forward to some cool stories. He even reads my blog sometimes (praying for you bro if you're out there). Sesame Place is on the schedule - haven't been there since I was small enough to ... well... go there. I feel ready to face the day just thinkin about it.

Twitter Update for 2008-08-20

  • My cell's been dead for the last 24 hours or so. I'm sure the twitters alone are going to make it explode. Call the church if you need me #

  • Oh and they discontinued my phone and it's charger so i had to order one online. I guess that phone break is here whether I want it or not #

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4:17 AM by Tucker hibbs 2 comments
That's what my car rides are like now. Quiet. I lost my cell charger and my phone went dead. It's been about 36 hours and I'm ashamed that I was so reliant on something technological. I've been feeling, and I know know now that it was the Holy Spirit, like I should shut it off for a while. Now I've been forced to. They discontinued my phone and it's accessories, so I had to order one on line. It's gonna be a few more days. But now, I'm enjoying it. I'm forcing myself to.

Inconvenient? Sure. But nothing compared to the amount of time that I felt I needed to find worth in communicating with others. The need to have constant connections, I believe, was detracting from my desire for closeness with God. It was a distracting that I ran to because I didn't feel like connecting with God.

The cool thing is, I've been praying more clearly than I have in years and I feel like I actually have more time on my hands. I've been spending less time trying to control everything - think about it: we try be aware of every situation through our cell connections so that we can make sure it all goes as planned. While there's nothing inherently wrong with the principle, the definition it was bringing to my day-in, day-out life is scary. If you need the phone on, you need a priority shift. And this one's uncomfortable.

To do...

1:35 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
So I'm looking at my To Do List for the week and I was really motivated when I wrote it, but now I'd rather go back to bed. There is a drain on pastoral energy and if you don't refuel you'll go dry. I'm feeling like a conference or a vacation. Money's tight, so I'm not sure either are on the horizon.

What I've done in the past though is taken a day trip to visit a friend or ministry. It's cheap and fun. Last one was Holyfire - that will refuel anyone. Might be time to just get out. Even if it's just me. I've got this need to be with people that I don't always think is healthy.

Things I've learned from the SLT

I've envisioned a successful Student Leadership program since I started in ministry. This year is going to be our best year... I can feel it. Here are a few things I've learned along the way:

Spend time on the process. The first year we chose the most the popular kids - both culturally and spiritually (you know what I'm talking about). That BOMBED and it was my fault. The 2nd year was a big improvement - we had an application process that they went through and they chose us, instead of us inviting them. The problem there is that if you have a hard time saying no, you'll end up with some awesome leaders... and some not so awesome ones that bring down the moral of the team. But you'll learn your lesson. This year we stuck with the application process and handed out 2 freshman scholarships to freshman that we believed had increased leadership potential (usually 10th grade is the cut off). We also required parents to be involved in the interview process so they new what they were getting into. Up until that point we reserved the right to cut, or for them to opt out. I could go on, but the point is, spend some real time thinking through the process with some honest Devil's advocates.

Redefine every 3 months. The one new thing we decided to do this year is reevaluate every three months in the form of an Advance (it's the new buzz word taking over "retreat"). It will allow us to address our concerns to that point and let them honestly communicate as well. It's not gonna be as involved as the training weekend, but quality time will be the focus.

Have a quote book. This really applies to student ministry overall, but recently the hilariousness of some of the things that have come out of the students mouths have been noteworthy. Do it on your phone - twitter it or something. But do something that you can reflect on. Everyone loves "remember when..." moments.

Here's a really bad picture of them under the LOVE monument in downtown Philly late Friday night. We focused on leadership being serving this weekend so we went to Philly to work with the homeless.

Twitter Update for 2008-08-18

  • Working on my blog. full to do list this week and i'm making sure it includes some fun- like golf or riding with jon weeks #

  • Can't find my cell charger. watching it die hurts, but confirms my thoughts of turning it off for a while #

  • Chillin in the back yard with the sprinkler #

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6:14 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
So this one is a long time coming. It's been on my heart. I've seen it in the hearts of people around me. I've seen it in myself. Cherie was sharing with me the other day something that her mom said recently that I think sums it up best: Christians in America don't have serious problems... so they create them.

The more I see it the more it frustrates me and turns me off to people. It's this need for attention that overcomes one to the point that they create an issue out of nowhere, or intensify one that could've gone smoothly.

A few thoughts... first, it's all about security. We talked about this in our Elders Bible Study just this morning. If we are secure in our identity as Jesus was here in Philippians 2:6, I'm confident that we wouldn't need to drum up controversy. Second, we must realize that this (not creating dramatics) is counter cultural - everything revolves around drama - movies, celebrities, TV. If you're gonna to counteract this tendency, it may require changing your circle of friends to one that doesn't gossip, or changing your influences and routines.

The bottom line is that it reflects a lack of faith in God. Is He in control or not? If He is, then why use the circumstances that surround us to demonstrate that we are? Someone who lights a fire to watch it burn is called a pyromaniac. I do it. You do it. Let's stop it

Twitter Update for 2008-08-17

  • Good to be home. i'm beat. awesome weekend with some AWESOME students though! #

  • Great sound check. alex is the 1st student to play on sunday outside the student band- and he's holding his own like a champ #

  • Heading home. just me and tate today #

  • Praying that @tallywilgis has a wise and inspiring week full of answers #

  • Chillin in the sprinkler with tate #

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Twitter Update for 2008-08-16

  • Windin down early! #

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Olympic Commentators

So I'm DVR-ing all... ALL the Olympics. I've noticed through watching (or zipping through) 12+ hours a day that the commentators , well, suck. None of them are that impressive. None have given me anything that really accentuated the experience. However, it can be very comical. Next time Phelps swims, listen to Rowdy Gains man crush on the perfect swimming specimen.

Relational Media

I wanted to highlight a few things that have helped me gain a relational connection through some sort of non-traditional media.

Twitter - OK this one I was skeptical of and I still get giggles when I say the name to adults. Check out the video HERE. Here's the low down: Twitter is a simple website designed to broadcast what your doing throughout your day to people who follow you. You login in and in 140 characters or less describe what you're doing at that moment. Then it sends that update to the people that follow you. Here's the cool thing - you can get your cell phone involved. You can link your cell phone to your account and text to a certain number and update from your phone so it's accurate updating. The other cool thing is that you can follow people as well and get their updates, also through a text message to your phone. And there are some cool people out there that you can follow - pastors, innovators, BIG leaders.

How has this helped relationally? A couple of ways. I got some students into it and now I follow them and they follow me each day - which grows our relationship from one or two days a week. Also, I've been making it accessible for parents during our overnight events (during which we take students phones away) and I make sure to twitter throughout the event so they get 5 or 6 updates a day during an event. You can also add your twitter to your blog (look -->)

Some of the people I Follow:

Carlos Whitaker

Ben Arment



Blogging - So obviously you know what it is, but do you use it? One of the things I've tried hard to keep going is consistency with my blog. It's a way for me to make infinite connections with people in the church, other people in my field, and random people throughout the world. So if you don't have one, get one and market it to people. If you have one, shoot for 3 times a week. Just journal your thoughts. it's like having a 3 minute conversation with a group of people that you want to know you.

Make sure that you read some too. There's a bunch out there that are funny and great assets for ministry and leadership. Here are a few.

Vince Antonucci

church 2.0 blog

Media Driven

I'll admit, I'm a sucker for media. I love the newest and latest electronics and computer software. I've taught our leadership team over the past few weeks about Google's multiple assets - like email, calender, and docs. We use Aviom's in ear monitor system. We have a sound both with lots of buttons and we make our own videos. But here's the thing, without a relational co

nnection that runs deeper than the glow of the latest gadgets, it's all in vain.

I believe that they are proportionate. The more cutting edge assets you employ, the deeper your need for human connection. Simply because people will question your motives - are you trying to impress, or actually using the assets to a purpose. No doubt they can

be assets, but they can also be counteractive.

I've seen the temptation in myself to let the technology su

rge ahead of the connection and am even more convinced. This is why simple churches without all the latest tech grow - they realized the need for the connection before the assets of technology and thus that is what's primarily their focus. We all know that the focus should be on the relational connection that proves the depth of true love, but do others see it. Perception is reality.

So before you go and splurge financially on iPhones for everyone or computerized lighting, maybe we need to splurge some quality time on our 1st impressions team training or small group integration.

I have found however some media elements that have directly helped out in the area of relational connecting. I'll highlight some tomorrow.


So I'm on this tangent of leadership and un-involvement. Here's my thought: how much of the Bible is exemplified in our lives? Let's take stock...

Love without limits?

Compassion on the least?

Passion for justice?

Life colored by a communal sacrifice?


Mercy and patience to those who don't derserve it?

See, we take the easy ones... like number of Jesus bumper stickers or T-shirts and claim a kingdom mindset. Or claiming a drive for Christlike-ness and living in a house that's too big and driving a more-than-reliable car.

When are we going to get our hands dirty in the sinful crap of life and let go of the fear of God being an impostor? That's really how we see Him sometimes, isn't it? An impostor that invades our lives. I don't want a big house, I need shelter. I don't want a nice car, transportation helps me get to and from opportunities. I want to see lives changed and joyful about their future because now it has direction.

What do you need to let fall to the side so you can get dirrty?


That's the symbol for the olympics... without the offset of the 2 lower rings. They start tonight and Cher and I are poised - having cleared the DVR of unecessary footage. Our favorites are swimming and track and field. We had a blast watching the qualifiers. Delilah.. yeah the one from the song - she didn't qualify. She ran the steeple chase, which we didn't even know existed as a sport, let alone an olympic one.

Here's a link to a listing of all the events, and even the rules and origins of some of them.

David Crowder Band in the movies

So I got this email from David himself... kinda. But I thought it was cool enough to let you all know about. His upcoming DVD of his latest concert club tour (yeah... we were there in the front row) is going to hit selected theaters.

Mixed messages

1:07 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
How often do I send mixed messages from my platform? We all have a platform. Maybe it's just your home. Maybe your job. Whatever it is, we must gut check ourselves with this question that has plagued me (or Holy Sprited me): Am I ready to live this now?

It's always easier to direct. It's simpler to see the big picture than it is to get there. The task though for us as leaders, wherever you're leading, is to accomplish the goal. It's not to tell people what the goal is.

Two thoughts on what I've learned about this thus far: people learn better, meaning what they learn lasts longer, when they see the task accomplished passionately. Don't miss that last word. The second thing is that if we as leaders remove ourselves from the task for too long we'll loose the goal entirely. Those who are ADD I'm sure are with me here. How often do you start a task only to forget why you're doing it? The same thing governs leadership.


First off, thanks for the blog love Charles.

We've redone (because Charles was awesome enough less than a week before traveling to an undisclosed area in Southeast Asia to redo it) the interview that sucked. The audio quality was so bad on the 1st interview with Charles that I was ashamed. But Episode 5 of The Little Big Church Podcast - The Sticks - is done and up.

I wanted give you some links to some of what Charles and I talked about and give you his info.

Here's Charles blog and you can email him through that.

Here's the link to the Andy Stanley book Charles referenced - Choosing to Cheat.

Here's the link to The Sticks Conference (you must go)

Here's the site. That's the big Sunday AM service with 17 churches that Charles pulled off.

Here's a link to the blogs and sites of some of the names that were dropped.

Willow Creek

Mark Batterson's blog...

Tim Stevens blog...

Hope you enjoy the podcast! Here's where you can listen. Here it is in iTunes.


I'm a big fan of cheat codes in video games. They let you try again and again until you get it right and win. So I know the quality of the Charles Hill interview was like like nails on a chalkboard due to the audio quality. Charles is quality though - he's redoing the interview so we can nail it. It should be up by tomorrow evening. Charles... you're awesome.


Charles Hill interview

Be sure to check out the latest episode of The Little Big Church Podcast HERE as I interview Charles Hill, creator of the The Sticks Conference.

If you want to know what it is and who Charles is first, watch this video...

the Sticks conference from newhopewired on Vimeo.