Rare Leadership Qualities - Public Weakness

Last night I asked God to get me up when He wanted me to. Usually that's an excuse for sleeping in (don't lie!), but this morning at 6 Tate woke up... and went back to sleep. He never does that. In fact he's been getting up really early for a few weeks now. The spirit was loud... I got up. I got to meet my other neighbor - which never would have happened if I hadn't gotten up that un-godly early .

I've noticed in the great leaders of today that publicizing their weakness, which goes against an entire generation's view on leadership, never mind the culture itself, creates a bond with their audience that is unmatched. I want to follow someone that has been there and screwed up - because if you want me to go there, chances are that something's going off kilter and I want to know that I'm not the only mutant.

The mentality that clergy are closer to God and thus have a better life makes me want to puke. That's like saying because I'm a mechanic I have a nicer car, or because I'm a carpenter I have a nicer house - and we know both those cenarios are rarely true.

I was going to hell, then I made a decision that changed that. It was God that saved me and my life is not mine. Easy to say, right? Then why does it always look like my life when I walk it out?

The bottom line is that we all have failures and struggles and no leader is above that. Publicizing them let's those you are raising up be on your team, and not under your thumb. Hiding weakness is pride and people can sense it eventually. They know it's fake.

Join a team and stop building your empire.

Here's one of mine - I'm scared to meet new people. I have a real issue with acceptance. I could tell you about my reasons, but it doesn't matter. I will make a fool out of myself to feel accepted. Usually this means profuse nervous joking in public. It also keeps me from going out of my church box to meet anyone else. I have 3 neighbors. Up until a month ago I only had met one of them. I've gone golfing with Travis, we have each other's cell #'s, etc. But God's really challenged me over the past few months that these are the easy relationships to be Christ to. Just live next to them. I met Carlos and Rachel about a month ago - he's a UPS driver and they just had their 2nd baby. This morning, After 2 Years, I met Ed. He's taken my garbage cans in for me numerous times. Today I helped him change his flat.

Let me just say this to finish - I wrestle with these things and I need you to get through them because on of the main reasons you are in my life is to help me because I need it.

2 Response to "Rare Leadership Qualities - Public Weakness"

  1. Terrace Crawford Says:

    Stopped by to see how things were going for you. Great post. I so agree that transparency is valueable. Appreciate your candid nature. Keep up the great work bro.

  2. Tucker Says:

    Thanks bro!

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