How to grow your leadership pt. 1

I wanted to take a few posts and talk about some of the key rules that I've learned from various leaders and experiences. In my opinion, a Christ-follower is a leader. So it's our responsibility to learn about ourselves and grow that leadership potential so we can lead others to Christ Himself (I think that's why the phrase was coined... LEAD).

Rule 1: Know the law of respect. Really, first everyone - yeah everyone - should read The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell. Changed my life and I refer back to it constantly. The law of respect is a humbling principle that says that people will follow leaders who are stronger than they are due to respect for their leadership. Someone who is an 8 (on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the strongest) will rarely follow a 6. Maxwell says "The less skilled follow the more highly skilled and gifted."

You can improve your leadership though - say grow from a 6 to an 8 - but it requires work. Work that I don't always want to put in.

The rule though is to admit that there are others more apt to lead than you, but you still have a purpose in the kingdom and in life in general.

Another key after admitting this, is to identify to lacking areas of personnel in your life with 2 questions: "Are there people following me?" (that's a big one we'd like to skip) and "Are there stronger leaders in my life to follow?" The second can be threatening at first, but you can learn more from those who are stronger.

Whether you're a CEO or a high school student, these rules apply.

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