
I'm making a few exceptions to my healthy effort. 1) Sweet tea - the love is too strong to sever the relationship. 2) While we will try to choose healthier dinners, I'll eat what's served - I'm not going out of my way too much with the food choice, more food portion.

I've learned this about myself: if I don't make exceptions on endeavors I'll miss the journey and one of two things will happen: either I'll miss the journey of life and end up lonely, or I'll abandon the quest for fear of missing life. So, although it's against many instincts, I build in exceptions to things now. Case and point -today's event. We had a great block party today to get people involved in Power Lab (our summer, week-long, children's program) that took all day to pull off. I spent the day riding around with some of the students that would make it a success and got into a short conversation with Devin, one of our student leaders, about this point. Explaining to her my past mistakes of missing the fun for the sake of a successful event reminded me to enjoy it - really have fun. One of the exceptions I made today was I took Rory (my three-year-old) with me everywhere. It took some more effort, but I saw her more than I would have otherwise. It was worth it.

I even managed to carve out a few minutes among the chaos to read a blog or two and  Steven Furtick's post reinforced the point.

So make some exceptions, but get to the goal. Back up at 6:30 to run tomorrow.

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