Rare Leadership Qualities - Accute Organization

Ok, this one I have DOWN! I've noticed, and not just in my life, that the passion that great leaders share is accompanied not by the need for organizational help. They surround themselves with people that fill their weaknesses and many times, organization is one of them.

What's awesome about this is that it's ok. Leaders don't need to be amazingly organized. In fact many of the leaders that I've been around that are anal about the organizational aspect are not great leaders at all.

What must consume us as great leaders is a sensitive passion for the vision and goal. Vision casting often goes hand in hand with someone else who's greatest strength is administration. Leaders cast the big goal and all it's details out in front of an audience and then we must learn to step back and let others lead us through the terrain of our weaknesses.

The hang up comes right there... letting others lead us. I believe in a team leadership mentality, where we are all equal in quality as members of the team, but not in every area that necessitates the goal. One of two failures often consume us if we miss this principle: isolation due to thinking we can organize it all ourselves, or complete failure to reach the goal because we didn't invest the time in finding the right people to fill our weaknesses (probably because we don't have any).

A great leader admits a lack of organization and finds someone with that strength in their top 3 abilities and allows them to lead. I've found lately that allowing others to lead often means shutting my trap.

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