Make life easier... peeling potatoes!

Ok - no deep spiritual philosophy. Just simplifying life. We had one of these when I was a kid and I snatched one up at a yard sale a few months ago thinking of the kids and how I hate to peel Tate's apples (if I don't he spits the chunks of the peel everywhere). But then I discovered something remarkable: you could put a potato on this thing and it will peel it and cut it up - skipping a whole step! You miss a few spots of the skin, but it peels enough to just run it through the device and toss it in the pot.

We've been eating a lot of mashed potatoes lately.

1 Response to "Make life easier... peeling potatoes!"

  1. Katy Says:

    Now that is creative thinking! My apple corer peeler slicer is sitting in my basement, I never thought of using it for potatoes. I may have to think about that next time...

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