Charm City or Bust!

Ok that was corny... but it's time to bring back "or bust", says I.

Today we're (Wink, myself, and 8 eager students) to hang out in Baltimore with Charm City Church (check out their kids ministry HERE). I visited about a month ago in preparation for this trip and I was so impressed with the committment level of their core leadership.

It's awesome going into a weekend like this knowing that we're participating in something that God's behind - that we will be accomplishing things. I'm so excited to be utilized and to watch some of our most committed students experience Christ in this way. We'll be doing everything from amping up their facility to helping throw a HUGE community block party.

It's a rough part of town, but please pray specifically that the church would find the finances to buy the building that they are in currently. They need about $80,000 to get the process started. They are a light in the community - how I believe we're biblically intended to be - feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, etc.

Please pray that they will get the financing they need to remain where they are. They will continue no matter what, but relieving them of that burden opens the door for more effective ministry.

1 Response to "Charm City or Bust!"

  1. Delta Says:

    Email me the heck are ya???

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