Filling Power

Last night was the final teaching of our Exposed: The truth about sex series at Ignite. Next week we're having a no-holds-barred Q & A about sex to finish it off and I'm pumped.

I noticed specifically with this series that it was a wrestling match every week I taught. I had a bad attitude, I was drained creatively, and just flat out exhausted before we'd start. But each time, as I was drained and asked for the Spirit's help, amazing things happened. The past two weeks we had guys and girls come and get prayed for. I know it doesn't sound like much, but we haven't done that much. I just felt a pushing to do it and we saw some awesome things happen.We've seen awesome revelation in students lives and had awesome Small Group discussion.

The point is this: we can't do it. We can limp by on our public speaking and our humor, but the result that we crave - LIFE CHANGE - can only be accomplished through the Spirit filling you and moving through you. What does it mean for me to empty myself out and allow that to happen?

1 Response to "Filling Power"

  1. Richie "Rich" Merritt Says:


    Great post. Hey who did your banner and the tree pic? Just curious? I am writing a book called "Trees of Life dude!" and I like the tree pic.

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