Leg 1, Day 5

Bruce almighty is my favorite movie. Go watch it. Ok, now I can tell you one of my favorite lines. Bruce meets God and God is pressing him—making him uncomfortable. Bruce says “Wait, really. I'm warning you. When I'm backed into a corner, I'm like a wild animal!” to which God retorts “You haven't won a fight since the fifth grade and that was against a girl.”

When we are living with a false identity, which many of us are still in denial about, we will feel threatened when God attempts to reclaim our true identity for us. This begins the process of Identity theft. Discovering your identity is not a once and done kind of thing. As you are already discovering it, the enemy will continue to try to take it away. If we can recognize it’s tactics though we can prevent it.

Phase 1: Threatened

In Acts 6:8-10 we saw the religious leaders threatened by Stephen’s wisdom. It says “none of them could stand” against it.

Ever had that feeling that you were falling and unless you took the reigns there’d be catastrophic results? This is the enemy and his false you. God is asking you to let go. No matter who you are there is something that really excites you—sky diving, music, love stories. Notice that all of these (especially sky diving) have this sense of free falling.

Pray that God would challenge you in specific areas to let go of the reigns to your heart and future. Now… get ready to do it.

Read Acts 6:8-15 again and see the freedom that Stephen had through Christ—his true identity.

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