
We're in the middle of a series at Ignite that God's really been using in many aspects of my life called "Identity Theft". Bob Appleby, who led the Aid For The World aspect of our recent W.V. mission trip suggested something a little different after hearing the first message - a devotional to walk through the series. as I wrote it a few weeks ago the Spirit just poured out of me. So for the next month I thought I'd share it. Not to shine a light on me, but on The Word. I hope the transformation we're experiencing grabs you as well!

Identity Theft...

identity theft devotional cover black

Point on map—a kingdom of comfort

Before you begin a journey you always must know where you are—the point on the map that you’re beginning from. We are beginning from a kingdom of comfort. Our world that swirls around us, as we walk seemingly untouched through it, has blinded us with this lie: “It’s all about your comfort.” But if it’s is all about being comfortable, then why am I continually searching for the next greatest thing to relieve the pain and discomfort?

It’s the lie. What if you could change the world by simply being who you are? I desire significance— people who know and remember me and a full funeral. What if the identity of comfort that I have been searching for is fake? What if I’ve been handed a stolen identity?

I have—we all have—had this sinking feeling, sometimes daily and moment by moment, that who I am is not real and that sooner or later someone will discover that and expose us.

This four week journey is only the first part of the trip. The trip to discovering our true identity in Jesus—The One who designed us. The only one who truly knows who we are. I’m tired of being scared that someone may expose me for a fake. Let us start this journey and discover security in The Everlasting. Faith is not believing. Faith is living the truth, not just knowing it.

As we walk, know that this is a spiritual battleground—the enemy has stolen your identity and will not let you recover it easily. Half way through writing this I had one of the worst days I’ve had in a long time. It was set to derail me for who knows how long. But these are not my words—it’s not The revelation of Tucker. It’s the revealing of God.  Don’t run from the discomfort that the Holy Spirit will bring. Rather, embrace it. Discomfort is the solution that will wash the fake away exposing the depth of the theft. You are perfect the way you are.

Each week will be one Leg of the trip. It’s designed to go for 28 days straight. If you’re not ready, don’t start. But you are. Anything that tells you otherwise is not from God.

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