
I'm sitting in Ebenezer's Coffee House - owned and operated by National Community Church. I just attended one of their services and besides my family, I couldn't think of a better place to spend some extremely rare alone time and catch up on blogging some thoughts.

Reflecting on N.C.C.'s service, I'm impressed with the environment. Before you crucify my shallowness and need for Jesus, let me explain: Jesus knew who he was speaking to and it reflected in his style. When he was in the presence of farmers he used the sower story, fishermen he used fishing illustrations, and pharisees he verbally slapped them around (I see this more and more and OUCH!). While we as the church must have a security in the sufficiency of Scripture, it says that we must be excellent in loving God with everything we are. We'll I'm creative and I like an awesome environment. I don't think I'm the only one.

Listening to Andy Stanley's teaching on becoming a student today during my mini car-conference I was reminded of how many times I've tried to stress my passion for the progressiveness of the environment in the church and been quieted.

Reality is this: participation in God's story and mission means bringing everything I have to reach everyone we can with life-changing information. While an older generation may not need an intentional environment, I do and so does my generation. There's little that helps me pay attention like an environment in a church that makes me feel like I'm not out of my element - I'm in what I would design. It is NOT an effort to mimic the world, but rather a use of talent and passion for the gospel.

National Community Church and Ebenezer's have leveraged those things for Christ and it was inspiring to see the impact. Church is not a building, it is people. We hear that all the time. Those people have environments that they are impressed and comfortable in and many churches are not them. Let's work on that and change even more lives.

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