
200425574-001I had a full day yesterday and didn't have a chance to talk about this as I wanted to and said I would on Monday.

This past Sunday we had a combined student service with Cornerstone EV Free. I've never done anything like this before, but it was awesome.

See, there's some history with Cornerstone. Some people that left Carpenter's over the years have gone there and I knew they had, but Jason and I hooked up when we both played at a coffee house and then again at last year's Brave Generation Conference and hit it off. He's become a brother. As we've spent time together I've been able to spend some time with their lead pastor and the rest of their team and it's become a great relationship. We are heading the same direction in different locations and are eager to work in unity.

We canceled Ignite on Tuesday and had the service Sunday night at Cornerstone on their time and their turf. We lead worship and Jason preached. We're already talking about the next one - switching venues and roles and inviting other churches. It's an exciting time. I know this is basic unity, but there's passion in it that motivates.

If you're in the area and want in, email me and we'll get the details to you and get you involved.  The idea is simple: change the lives of middle school and high school students. There's nothing as powerful in a community as combining resources and numbers behind a unified goal.

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