Twibbs Home!

I'll get back to regular blogging tomorrow. It's been a nice break. After two and a half weeks, the twins are home. And no, it's not going to get crazy now. Now it's going to get normal and relaxing because we love our kids and especially love having them all home. Why do people keep assuming we either chose to have twins or hate kids? Anyway... happy family at home. (I've been waiting for 9 months for this first shot - the quintessential twin shot!)

5 Response to "Twibbs Home!"

  1. The Theal Family Says:

    What a beautiful family!! Congratulations and enjoy the family time!!

  2. Katy Says:

    Congrats!! That is AWESOME that they are home before their due date! I'm sure life will be different with 4 kids, but I'm sure the ease of having all 4 in one place will help that as well!! Enjoy them!!

  3. Sarah Says:

    We rejoice with you!!!

    Had enough anti-kids comments, eh? Isn't it especially funny that they so often come from church people who should recognize the blessing of children. That yes, while the work of raising children is at times exhausting, so many fail to recognize it is also LIFE GIVING.

    But then again sacrifice and self donation are concepts completely lost on a culture given over to radical consumption and consumerism.

    But you Hibbs' GET IT & you are in my prayers.

    Much love, Sarah

  4. Renee Says:

    Congratulations! We are so happy for you guys. You are awesome parents, and this is going to be so much fun! Seeing your photos on-line here is bringing back some great memories for us. Enjoy this time. You already know it goes far too fast!
    Renee and Bill

  5. Tony Cruz Says:

    So glad to hear from you about the twins being home. I am so happy for you both. Big, huge kisses to the two angels. congrats!

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