Passion Drains - Lack of honest evaluation

So... by tomorrow, i meant next week. I gotta stop doing that.

I want to wrap this group of thoughts up with this question: do we have a person or people in our lives that we can be our absolute true selves in front of and who will tell us what God wants us to hear?

This is probably the most uncomfortable lesson to learn, but it is coupled directly to growth on every level. Whether I'm in ministry on any level or simply human,  I am too close to myself to always see objectively my next step. Paul had Peter and Barnabas. Timothy had Paul. Moses had Jethro. And even Jesus had the Father.

What we can see in all these relationships is a degree of awkwardness and discomfort because these people were willing to confront sin and expose weakness for the others good. But even more than that, they remained close to walk the journey together.

I honestly only have 2 guys in my life right now who can walk that path with me (besides my wife of course). They have not only critized, but praised, guided, and encouraged through every step of my recent life. A couple of things that are key to this relationship are regular communication and conversations that go both ways.  I pray that we'd all have a person set on our mind right now that we could have a serious conversation with about growth and accountability this week. And when you do, be clear. It's not an opportunity for flatery, but for absolute honesty.

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