WiBo Sumo

So The Whiteboard Sessions was awesome. Perry Noble talked about being called to ministry (everyone went "ooooo" a couple of times at what he said), Mark Batterson (author of In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day and creator of the Chase the Lion message series) challenged us to dream big, and Vince Antonucci (a new guy for me) talked about the screwed up way we often present the Gospel and used a Counting Crows song, On a Tuesday in Amsterdam Long Ago (I'm a huge Counting Crows fan), to illustrate and drive us back to the simplicity.

The best part by far though was going with Cherie. We had college fun together. It was a BLAST.

I got to connect with some really cool people and ministries that I have to let you know about. First, obviously I met someone that knows a thing or two about blogging and I made a big switch. Like I said in my last post, trying to figure out the best way to get The Little Big Church Podcast out has been a hassle. But Scott Magdalein at readscott.com and I had lunch and viola! A new site (now Wordpress) and lots of new goodies. To check out The Little Big Church Podcast, just go to the The Little Big Church Podcast page of tuckerhibbs.com or go to littlebigchurchpodcast.com. Thanks Scott!

Also hooked up with the guys at churcymedia.com. Anyone in church leadership should check them out for all your technology ideas. I'm looking forward to hooking up with them on the podcast

Finally, Ben Arment did an awesome job putting the conference together. And he's moving to HotLanta on tuesday. Looking forward to an interview with him as well once he gets settled.

Check out my links on the right for more people I met at The Whiteboard Sessions.

1 Response to "WiBo Sumo"

  1. Clayton Bell Says:

    Also had some GREAT pizza... ;-)

    Bunch of photos up here: http://urltea.com/38pp

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