Vision - pt. 2

I was about to talk about how over used the term "vision" was and it auto-popped in the title bar of my blog - that means I already blogged a post called vision. So even I over use it. That's why it's part 2.

Here's the thought though... I've been digging through Nehemiah at Ben's suggestion and something has become evident. Nehemiah had a great vision. It was huge - to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem after it's destruction - but it went even further. It was not the wall that he saw being rebuilt, but the people's correct and honest relationship with God - see chapters 8 and 9. That's not what really hit me though. I have great vision similar to his - not just accomplishments, or walls, but continual growth in relationships with God and people. However with Nehemiah... well it wasn't simply organization and administration for the vision (chapters 10 and on), it was the specific walking out of the vision.

I'm a big-picture thinker. That's what I've shouted from the rooftops. I don't pay attention to the details. It's not my gifting. Not part of my A.D.D.D.D.D.D.D. skill set. But the problem with that is I don't think that God says "Use your gifts only and nothing else. If it's not comfortable, it's not your gift so stay away from it". It's uncomfortable for me to think small steps because, honestly, I'm afraid I'll screw them up and we won't hit my big picture. I'd rather delegate (sometimes a disguise for copping out). I avoid the grunt work which, for others with admin gifts, wouldn't be grunt work, but for me takes extra care and attention - discomfort. It's not natural for me like preaching has become.

For all the preaching and teaching I do and will do about continued growth and overcoming fears, I need this reminder about learning new things, even though they may seem like old unconquerables (not in the dictionary). That's why I got the tattoo on my arm.

With vision, we need to remember the steps in between here and the accomplishment are as important as the goal. It might reduce the use of the term. It has already for me just in expressing these thoughts.

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