
So I've been asking myself lately why God's not being clear. I'm currently standing on the forge of a decently large decision and I've been asking for direction, but hearing nothing. Well not nothing, but it's not what I'm looking for.

Two reasons I believe God does this:
It forces us to gut check our relationship with Him. Am I really trying to get to know Him or am I just looking for answers so I can be comfortable? It's easy for us to let our own comfort - be it with ease of the future or security in what others think - take first priority.

2. It doesn't let us run ahead and miss the opportunities for growth in that moment. For right now, right here, this is the moment we're here for. So I should be here, not 3 steps ahead. When it's time for the info I need to take the next step, God loves me and will not withhold it to make me uncomfortable. Here's a post that helped me in this moment today.

One more thing - God doesn't like it when I'm not comfortable. He doesn't allow it just because He can. I need reminding of that.

1 Response to "Why?"

  1. Sarah Says:

    What makes you think God doesn't like it when you're uncomfortable? Think about countless saints -- from St. Paul's chains to Padre Pio's stigmata -- whose alignment with Christ's life resembled his suffering rather than his resurrection. There is value and redemption in all suffering when offered in alignment with our Lord's (be it large or small). So "make up in your flesh what is lacking on the cross." (Col 1:24)

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