Cry Baby

So guess who came to church today? GOD.

This morning was amazing. I felt God moving through me confirming all the work He's been doing over the past week. I asked people to stand if they accepted Christ for the 1st time today and one girl stood up. It was her first time at Carpenter's and she was here because her daughter came to VBS this past week (Rock on Renee and Cher). She had some awesome tattoos and when she stood during the invitation she had tears pouring down her face. I got really choked up. I'm a cry baby. I cry easy (like... at Oprah and Extreme Makeover Home edition). I walked off stage while the worship team sang "follow you" (by Holyfire) and took a moment to just let the tears come. I found out later that she told the greeter at the door that she was just watching her daughter sing and then taking off because she "wasn't ready". That was one of the things I talked about - how we put off doing what God wants until we're ready, assuming God made a mistake by bringing things into our lives too soon. Call it what it is.

But honestly I was choked up all morning. Seeing the kids from Avalanche Ranch singing got me. I just could feel God moving and it's a powerful and privileged feeling.

So it was a good time. I never feel as useful to God as I do when I'm speaking. I did say "suck on that" today from the stage. It wasn't meant to be offensive... ok it was. People laughed though. I was talking about how I like to cook and how when I tell other men that I get all sorts of random Neanderthal comments. Just in case you think I was bluffing, last night I made a pork loin that was awful (I threw most of it out), but today for lunch I made bagel pizzas with home made sauce that rocked. You win some, you lose some.

Can't wait to drive up to Hamden this Wednesday with Justin. I was actually watching one of our favorite shows last night "Flip this house" and it was in Hamden. It was our favorite team to watch from CT Homes in New Haven. Anyway... people stepped up and gave over $1000 today for Holyfire. I'm pumped to see what the students do this Tuesday. Two weeks ago they gave almost $200 among the 40 of them. They're the best bunch I've ever had the privilege of working with.

I just felt blessed today.

1 Response to "Cry Baby"

  1. ThealFamily Says:

    Totally amazing message this past Sunday! People will be talking about that one for a while! and that's a good thing!

    God Bless and keep up the great work!!

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