Tattle Tail

Alright, I received an anonymous email today regarding a recent post about calling myself a Christ Follower rather than a Christian. I toiled over how to respond to the accusations of being like Saddleback Church in California (the pastor there wrote this amazing book about life having purpose - made the NYT best sellers list - but I'm sure it's all just bunk and not changing lives at all) and of only gearing church towards younger people. But seeing as the sender went though all the trouble of setting up a bogus email (yourgeneraldoom@gmail.com - I'm not sure whether to worry about the impending catastrophe or notify gmail that they have someone trying to use their gorgeous software for world domination) I will not respond. By the way, they also tattled on me. They sent a copy of the email to Jim, our senior pastor. What they didn't realize was that he's actually a good leader and has my back.

Tally Wilgis (a very wise, cutting-edge, and beautiful pastor from the Chesapeake VA region) addressed this very issue and few months ago so eloquently and wisely, I though I'd take some thoughts from him. You see, a wise man once said "If your heart's in the wrong place, you'll ask the wrong questions". And it's so glaring that they only want attention. A desire that would quickly subside pending a growing relationship with Christ. Attention. What ever they say, that's really their motivation.

To my current (and any potential) rash I say:
1. Your comments will not be published on my blog. Ever.
2. Realize that you're acting like a middle school girlfriend... give up, it's over... it's not me, its you.
3. Please take this post as your ointment. With regular reading you will clear up without cracking or flaking.
4. Get a blog, website or girlfriend. Then you can share all of your opinions without bothering me. You're not the first person to disagree with me and you won't be the last. There are 6 billion people alive, I'm mature enough to know that not everyone will agree with me and I don't need to waste my time running around telling them about it.
- Tally Wilgis (beautiful)
Pastor Focal Point Church (it's been called a cult), Chesapeake, VA

Here's the bottom line folks, and this may seem rash - there are a lot of people that are already going to heaven. I'm gonna go get the people that aren't. You may question here "what about discipleship and growth?". Well if you will look at the early church, evangelism and discipleship are not separate - they happen together. I'm gonna go help Jesus save the word and I'm pretty sure He's gonna teach us along the way. Once the world is all saved, we'll sit in our stuffy churches and make our selves spiritually pretty. Don't believe it will work? That's probably because you aren't trying to save anyone.

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