I must be honest and say that it's been a long few days. But I've got the best job in the world, and here's why: one of our students came to me a few weeks ago asking for help writing a letter. She's one of the student leaders at Ignite (that's our rockin' student ministry with the really hot pastor) and she wanted to write to all the other students in her neighborhood and invite them to Ignite. After talking for a while I asked her if there might be a more creative and effective way to do that other than a letter. She questioned how else she possibly reach the students right around where she lived. At that point myself and a few of our V-Staff (the most gorgeous people God ever made) asked her if she rode the bus and she eluded to the fact that it was less than desirable. Now, knowing the district, it's no more dangerous than your average high school/Jr. high bus. It was clear though that it would be very uncomfortable for her.

The following Sunday I preached a message on being part of "the body". Monday I received this from the student:
Today was amazing. I felt that god was speaking to me and was nudging me forward because all day today I have had your amazing message stuck in my head from Sunday. So God pretty much smacked me upside the head and was like listen to me. Go. Go make a announcement to the bus to invite them all and tell them about my greatness. I was pretty nervous because I didn't want to get ridiculed and mocked and embarrassed but I made the announcement and yes I did get made fun of but I did it for God. After I get home after making the announcement there was a kid from me bus standing there on my door step. She said that she was very interested in coming and that she has been very eager to go to church for a while but couldn't find one where she knew someone that went. I was very excited!! I praised God and danced through out my living room, jumping up and down. I felt so good. So I know I have been chatting your ear away and I apologize. I would just like to say thank you for nudging me and kicking me to do this. I've made some pretty stupid excuses and I've learned now that it's not for my glory it's for Gods and I needed not to be focused on what would happen to me but the glory and love that God is getting out of this. I know its only one person but I now have faith that there are so many more people on this bus that need help and just need that nudge. I thank you again and I'll see you tomorrow!

So let's recap that: while you and I sit and get nervous and try figure out how to talk to that person in our sphere of living, the girl invited a bus load. A bus load. She got it. Next step? She took hers. Growth in action- and imagine that... without a Jr, high Sunday School class.

Now, despite what people may say, I didn't blog about this to say "look at me and what I did". I'm sharing this with you for one reason - to inspire you like it inspired me. 59% of the people in America ARE hell-bound right now. That's 170,143,101 souls. 18,103,985 are between the ages of 5 and 18. Anyone still question why we take attendance? We can save them. What are we waiting for? What are you waiting for? What am I waiting for? Let's go outside. Outside our Christian box and be like Jesus. You remember him right? He debated philosophy and religion with the "church people" and judged the tar out of the weirdos and dressed perfectly and was always talking in a dialect far above "the common folk". Oh wait. No He didn't. He got dirty with the ugly rejects and saved them. Sounds good to me (especially since I'm an ugly reject myself). Ready?

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