
You must check out this blog post by Perry Noble - a pastor at a church of 7000 in S. Carolina. A few weeks ago their congregation took permanent sharpies and wrote the names of their unsaved friends on the walls of the sanctuary.

click here:


6:12 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments

TatesBIGsmile, originally uploaded by tuckerhibbs.

How sweet is that!

Clicking on this picture will take you to my flickr account where you can see more pics of me and my family and the Students and V-Staff of Ignite. I'm married to the HOTTEST woman alive. I call her Cher, but her name is Cherie (actually, that's short for Cherisa - sher-EE-sah). For the first three months that we dated I spelled her name like this - Cherrie - like Cherry but with an "ie". She was too awesome to tell me though.

Just a tid bit about my ignorance.

Small Group

Now don't get me wrong - I love our small group and and I believe that small groups are Biblical and crucial to spiritual growth. And know that I'm writing now to myself as much as anyone else (I usually am). But today I got a call from some of our best friends. We met them at the Evangelical Free church we attended in Scranton a few years back and instantly got along. Months after getting to be very close, they left the EV Free church and began to attend the Catholic church. They were in search of true Christianity and that is where Christ led them.

Today on the phone with... let's call her Jane... she was asking if we had attended a church in Palmerton when we lived there right after we got married. I told her no and asked why. Jane said that she had been taking the kids to a play group at a local church and thought we may have gone there. The she said "they keep trying to save me." They assume that because she and her family are Catholic they must need salvation.

I can just hear the small group conversations now: "There's this girl that comes to our play group and she's catholic - can we pray that she gets saved?" or "I know who I'm inviting to the Christmas Cantata! That Catholic girl! I think she really needs Jesus." or "God I just lift up (what does that really mean? Is God really up?) that Catholic girl. She's misguided and thinks she's following You, but show her the True Path."


I'm not saying that everyone who is Catholic is saved. But you and I both know that there is most likely as many in evangelical churches that are not as well. Christ himself said that there will be many that claim to know Him but do not.

Now please know that when we watched our dear friends go through their faith transition, I had all the same questions that the typical Evangelical would raise. But as we journeyed through life together with... Dick and Jane... we realized that their God was our God and at no time did eternity hang in the balance for our friendship.

We who have grown up in church (what a paradox) have a closed mindedness that many times blinds us. Myself included. God is God. God is not religion. I know that we say that often but our parents taught us such fouled up things about Catholicism that I believe we often are trying to "save" our own brothers and sisters from the same God we love.

Let's (you and me) grow up a bit, eh?

Rory 2.0

Rory turns 2 today. She's 2 on 2/22. I thought that was really awesome and deserved like a circus or something. It doesn't. But it's still really cool.

How my life's changed since Rory:
-It's a heck of a lot more fun
-I worry more
-I have someone to put to bed (I love doing that)
-I have someone to read to
-I've realized how great a sense of humor is (Rory's hilarious)
-I have to watch what I say when I hurt myself

Because of her I want more kids. Have kids. Lots of them. They simply make life better.


5:32 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments

Every once in a while I'd like to pump up one of our students. When we notice them taking big growth steps on Tuesday nights, I give out super hero characters. Here, I'd like to blog a bit about them.

Our IMT, or Ignite Music Team (how original is that), has a drummer. His name is Jaryth and I just have to blog publicly that he is one of the best drummers I've ever worked with. I have been in bands and worship teams since I was 16 years old and Jaryth simply gets the simplicity of drumming. I've tried. I am not a drummer. Jaryth can juice up a song to supper heavy or help with the honing in of the Spirit on the symbals. The cool thing is, I know that "worship" music is not what Jaryth listens to on a regular basis. He likes the screaming of bands like Disciple (so do I - They're awesome). To be able to set aside your own preferences and take direction is one thing, but to succeed is another.

This past Tuesday I tried something risky. Tuesday afternoon I wasn't happy with my set list for that night. I'm all about new music but nothing was coming to my heart. I was listening to Hillsong United's latest "United we stand" and heard a song that I thought we might be able to pull off. Now you worship leaders out there know that their stuff is hard, especially for drummers (I've tried and failed many times - in fact we only do one of their songs regularly out of all 4 of their albums and it's a slow one). The song was "The Time Has Come". Awesome lyrics and high energy. The team listened to it once and come performance time, they nailed it.

Jaryth, you have a gift and a talent for worship drumming. I will miss playing with you. Don't get rusty.

Book Notes - Communicating for a Change

Alright this book has changed my life in the past few months. Not in a "I'm gonna love everybody more" kinda way, but in a "I will now do this differently" way.

It's written by Andy Stanley who pastor's a church in Atlanta called North Point. It's all about public communication and ANYONE WHO SPEAKS PUBLICLY AND ESPECIALLY PREACHES must read this. The idea is the one-point message. In Bible college we're taught to find the 3 - 5 points of concern to our audience and illustrate them. This book challenges you to find the one thing - the ONE THING - that will change the audience and pound it. Bottom line is that one point is easier to remember than 3 or 4 or 5.

It also gives you a great way to outline or map-out a one point message - ME-WE-GOD-YOU-WE. Since reading the book it is how I consistently write my messages and I've seen a big change. ME = "I've got this problem or issue". WE = "Don't we all struggle with this in some way?". God = "What does God say about it?". YOU = "What should you do based on what God says?". And WE = "What would it look like if we all did this?".

It's easier to remember one point with a few different aspects. It's easier to internalize so you're not tied to your notes as much. If you preach, or want to preach, read this book.

Book Notes - Band of Brothers

11:31 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
If you're not into world war two stuff than this won't interest you. However if you liked the HBO mini-series as much as I did... well... I read the book. The book is what the miniseries was based on and is basically the 10-part series in more detail. I just love WW2 stuff. I have a helmet. And a mess kit. Got them from my step dad.

Book Notes - Praise Habit

11:26 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
This was a great and easy read. David Crowder is a hilarious writer that keeps you interested and giggling to yourself.

The thought process is that our praise should be a Habit. After the first few chapters where he establishes this thought, He spends the rest of the book breaking down some of his favorite Psalms out of The Message.

Short Chapters. Fun author. Gotta at least read the introduction - it's a brief run though of a typical morning for Crowder. You will laugh.


10:58 AM by Tucker hibbs 0 comments
Ok so it's no secret that I don't like to read. I must tell you though, it's not as much that I don't like to, but that i've never really been good at it. I only learned how last year. Not really. In my defense (someone's got to) I learned to read and write in French before English. It's a long drawn out escapade involving the typical hot third grade teacher, marshmellows, tears, and a bitter but temporary hatred for my parents.

The thing is I've gotten really into reading lately. I'm still not very good at it - when Cher and I read together she grows waiting for me to finish and usually ends up with a fully prepared meal by the time I look up. But lately I've had a real desire to educate myself. I thought I'd let you know What I'm reading and getting out of it and What's on my radar. I'll post updates as well as a list to the side where you can check out the books.

Why we fight

Why we fight. It's the ninth episode in the ten-part series "Band of Brothers". Loved the series. Watched it 3 times (it's 10 hours long). Read the book (I don't read much). I love war time drama. Not necessarily today's. I'm really into WW2. It takes you to a simpler time and war strips everything away. It's you, the guys next to you, and life or death. Doesn't get much simpler than that. I almost wish life were that simple on a daily basis. But then without the complications there'd be no children, no money, no pain medication, no preferences, no blood, no... distractions.

So why the distractions? We all know that distraction is a huge part of life. In fact comedy central had a season-long game show called "Distraction" in which contestants would attempt to answer questions, simple ones, while being wildly distracted. Once two out of the three people were eliminated the final test was a set of questions and if they didn't answer them quick enough, their prize (a car, laptop, Vespa, you know, just stuff we want) would slowly be beaten. As we attempt life, are we being distracted? Of course we are. It's life. Why though?

Here's my thought: I believe that Christ allows for distractions so we may hone our ear to Him. Without adversity there is no growth. During the course of the above mentioned mini series, the training that the men of "Easy Company" had to go through included a lot of night maneuvers. They got to the point where they trained so much at night that they knew each other from the simple swagger and shape of their night-cast shadow. That is the knowledge that I crave and i believe that we all should. Knowing God and His direction from the faintest whisper. It's a long road. It's up hill. It's a fight. There are bullets. There are grenades. There are traps. There are pits. We fight to know Him. By knowing Him we know ourselves. By knowing Him we can better show Him to others. Push through the distraction.

Episode nine is called "Why we fight" because Easy Company has made it into Germany and has found a concentration camp. It suddenly becomes crystal clear to the men why they have fought for so long. Endured so much. It's right around the corner - it's the camp of the lost and beaten and misguided and mis-fed.


I must be honest and say that it's been a long few days. But I've got the best job in the world, and here's why: one of our students came to me a few weeks ago asking for help writing a letter. She's one of the student leaders at Ignite (that's our rockin' student ministry with the really hot pastor) and she wanted to write to all the other students in her neighborhood and invite them to Ignite. After talking for a while I asked her if there might be a more creative and effective way to do that other than a letter. She questioned how else she possibly reach the students right around where she lived. At that point myself and a few of our V-Staff (the most gorgeous people God ever made) asked her if she rode the bus and she eluded to the fact that it was less than desirable. Now, knowing the district, it's no more dangerous than your average high school/Jr. high bus. It was clear though that it would be very uncomfortable for her.

The following Sunday I preached a message on being part of "the body". Monday I received this from the student:
Today was amazing. I felt that god was speaking to me and was nudging me forward because all day today I have had your amazing message stuck in my head from Sunday. So God pretty much smacked me upside the head and was like listen to me. Go. Go make a announcement to the bus to invite them all and tell them about my greatness. I was pretty nervous because I didn't want to get ridiculed and mocked and embarrassed but I made the announcement and yes I did get made fun of but I did it for God. After I get home after making the announcement there was a kid from me bus standing there on my door step. She said that she was very interested in coming and that she has been very eager to go to church for a while but couldn't find one where she knew someone that went. I was very excited!! I praised God and danced through out my living room, jumping up and down. I felt so good. So I know I have been chatting your ear away and I apologize. I would just like to say thank you for nudging me and kicking me to do this. I've made some pretty stupid excuses and I've learned now that it's not for my glory it's for Gods and I needed not to be focused on what would happen to me but the glory and love that God is getting out of this. I know its only one person but I now have faith that there are so many more people on this bus that need help and just need that nudge. I thank you again and I'll see you tomorrow!

So let's recap that: while you and I sit and get nervous and try figure out how to talk to that person in our sphere of living, the girl invited a bus load. A bus load. She got it. Next step? She took hers. Growth in action- and imagine that... without a Jr, high Sunday School class.

Now, despite what people may say, I didn't blog about this to say "look at me and what I did". I'm sharing this with you for one reason - to inspire you like it inspired me. 59% of the people in America ARE hell-bound right now. That's 170,143,101 souls. 18,103,985 are between the ages of 5 and 18. Anyone still question why we take attendance? We can save them. What are we waiting for? What are you waiting for? What am I waiting for? Let's go outside. Outside our Christian box and be like Jesus. You remember him right? He debated philosophy and religion with the "church people" and judged the tar out of the weirdos and dressed perfectly and was always talking in a dialect far above "the common folk". Oh wait. No He didn't. He got dirty with the ugly rejects and saved them. Sounds good to me (especially since I'm an ugly reject myself). Ready?

Tattle Tail

Alright, I received an anonymous email today regarding a recent post about calling myself a Christ Follower rather than a Christian. I toiled over how to respond to the accusations of being like Saddleback Church in California (the pastor there wrote this amazing book about life having purpose - made the NYT best sellers list - but I'm sure it's all just bunk and not changing lives at all) and of only gearing church towards younger people. But seeing as the sender went though all the trouble of setting up a bogus email ( - I'm not sure whether to worry about the impending catastrophe or notify gmail that they have someone trying to use their gorgeous software for world domination) I will not respond. By the way, they also tattled on me. They sent a copy of the email to Jim, our senior pastor. What they didn't realize was that he's actually a good leader and has my back.

Tally Wilgis (a very wise, cutting-edge, and beautiful pastor from the Chesapeake VA region) addressed this very issue and few months ago so eloquently and wisely, I though I'd take some thoughts from him. You see, a wise man once said "If your heart's in the wrong place, you'll ask the wrong questions". And it's so glaring that they only want attention. A desire that would quickly subside pending a growing relationship with Christ. Attention. What ever they say, that's really their motivation.

To my current (and any potential) rash I say:
1. Your comments will not be published on my blog. Ever.
2. Realize that you're acting like a middle school girlfriend... give up, it's over... it's not me, its you.
3. Please take this post as your ointment. With regular reading you will clear up without cracking or flaking.
4. Get a blog, website or girlfriend. Then you can share all of your opinions without bothering me. You're not the first person to disagree with me and you won't be the last. There are 6 billion people alive, I'm mature enough to know that not everyone will agree with me and I don't need to waste my time running around telling them about it.
- Tally Wilgis (beautiful)
Pastor Focal Point Church (it's been called a cult), Chesapeake, VA

Here's the bottom line folks, and this may seem rash - there are a lot of people that are already going to heaven. I'm gonna go get the people that aren't. You may question here "what about discipleship and growth?". Well if you will look at the early church, evangelism and discipleship are not separate - they happen together. I'm gonna go help Jesus save the word and I'm pretty sure He's gonna teach us along the way. Once the world is all saved, we'll sit in our stuffy churches and make our selves spiritually pretty. Don't believe it will work? That's probably because you aren't trying to save anyone.