Church Findable part 7 - Giving

In this final post in this series I want to turn the focus more on the heart of the individual than a broad swath or group. In the past years I've seen a trend of stunted growth as followers of Jesus and the failure lies with us and in our hearts, not with the church leadership or programming. It is this: that within a year or so of beginning a relationship with Jesus a curve comes in that path of healthy growth and to round that curve and keep growing one must begin to give sacrificially. I've talked about this before but it plays a part so crucially in the growth of a church because in the end, that growth is the growth of the individual heart. This makes sense as Jesus set such an amazing example of service. Look at Mark 10:43-45 - "But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

See, when it comes to our journey and the American church, many Christians have stalled at that curve in the road that comes so early. Older Christians who have been following Christ for years who simply come to church and exist as a non-functioning body part because this task of giving was deemed too hard or awkward or perhaps there were no ready opportunities and they needed to be forced or created. Or "giving" was reduced to just "money". While some of the responsibility of it may lie with the discipler, or lack of one, ultimately it is our next step to seek a place, a way, or a method to give. We serve a generous God who gave - healing and wisdom and blood. He is a God of sacrifice, but I see in my own life a degeneration that occurs when I stop serving. It is a central rubber-meets-road component of our faith.

That is why it is such a crucial part of finding a church. Ultimately the goal should be to plug in and give of what you have. This includes time, money, and talents.

One final thought on this. Do not underestimate the creativity of the enemy in discouraging us or distracting us along this part of the journey. If it is so important it makes sense why it should be so hard sometimes. Be ready for a fight with schedules, with awkwardness, and with relationships. It is worth following Christ because this is ultimately finding a church - giving as He did.

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