Guest Student Post: Emily Theal

Well where should i begin? Should i start with how we fed the homeless and prayed for the salvation and the hope of these people, or should I start with the girls breaksfast out in the park, which ended in worship that took my breath away. It would be an understatment to say that this trip, in these last couple of days, has opened my eyes and opened my hear to something so extrodinary. Sunday night when we arrived, we attended the young adult service at Grace Community Church and it blew my mind! The worship was great and we had an opportunity to get prayed over before we left for the inner city. That though was not what shook my day, it was when the pastor had us writting encouraging letters to each other. To say the least, that day was probably one of the most stressful days of my life! NO LIE. I could go on but i wont. By the time we got to the church everyone was just thankful we made it alive and that we had all students with us. Tucker came close a couple of times to pulling over and chucking some people out! Oh it was lovely! Getting those letters of encouragment was a breath of fresh air. From that day on, it has been nothing but amazing! Granted, we are tried and we are outside alot, but really, this is exactly what the Lord is wanting us to do. We have given out almost 3 times the amount of clothes in one day then i have in my life! I'm not joking at all. When we went to the park to hand out ice cream sundays to the homeless people, I met the most beautiful young women no older than me. While i was apporaching her, doing my smile and nod, I had this overwhelming feeling that her and i had a simular story. Well, talking awhile with her and listening to what she whas to say, it finally came into my heart and it just clicked. God has spoke so loud and so clearly that i was almost in tears. While "Muffy" was about to walk away, i came up and gave her a hug and told her that her Father loves her so much. Not her earthly father but her heavenly Father. She looked at me and her eyes were tearing up. This is one of the most memorable moment of the whole trip! I can go on and on about amazing stories that we have been seen and also will be doing tonight, but i will inform y'all when we get home. I'm sure Tucker will be blogging and twittering all through out the week. I am so blessed and honored to have this opportunity to serve alongside Colleen and Krystal and MetroKidz to rescue this community for Jesus Christ.

3 Response to "Guest Student Post: Emily Theal"

  1. Mike Says:

    Praise God!

  2. Sarah Says:

    What an awesome trip; you guys are an inspiration!

  3. Chris C Says:

    sounds like a good time
    keep the faith...........

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