The Good Love Project

glp-graphicSo you've heard about it at Carpenter's for the last few weeks and saw the video this week, but in Case you didn't, here's the vision for Good Friday this year...

We have been disenfranchised by people who call themselves Christians but don' DO anything but go to church. That does make you a Christian. I just doesn't. There's also this mentality in the church that it's a fortress to hide in and once you're strong enough or good enough or know enough, then you can reach out and serve. It's backwards from the scripture.  We - the church and those who claim to be Christ-followers - should be moving on the pain and needs of our community... now. Not when you've been in church long enough. Not when you know a certain amount about the Bible. The key is this: if you're following Christ then you know LOVE and that's enough.

So we're setting out to show our community what love is - Good Love - real love. Unconditional sacrifice. And the timing is perfect. We're teaming up with other churches and organizations and focusing on one area  - the living conditions of the people in the Lehigh Valley. We want to help improve the living space of those who can't be that for financial reasons, a physical disability, a parent or spouse is off at war, a single parent who doesn't have the time, or anyone who needs it.

I got the idea from a song by John Mayer, one of  my favorite artists, called Good Love Is On The Way.

So now you've read this and you're hereby charged to get involved. If you're a Christ follower then get involved and make yourself available for the 4 weekends leading into Good Friday to serve at the projects we're lining up. If you don't have the time but have the cash then give it. If you have the time but not the money then give it. Not because anyone deserves it but because our God values people. For more info go to and click the email link to communicate more.

If you know anyone that is a good candidate to be served by this, go to or guide them to it and get them an application. It's time to become the church that we are meant to be - a sacrificing body because that was our example.

These projects will culminate on Good Friday with a party of parties to celebrate what God's done and the freedom we have to serve and continue to show Good Love because of His sacrifice.

3 Response to "The Good Love Project"

  1. Chris Vasquez Says:

    Hey bro, I stumbled across your post today in the process of my internet exploration, and wanted to not how cool this sounds. God bless you guys and this project.

  2. Chris Vasquez Says:

    Whoops, "not" should be "note."

  3. tucker Says:

    good to hear from you brother. if you know of anyone we could help with this please send me an email -

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