Just wanted to take a moment to encourage you if you've jumped on our 21 day challenge. I challenged us last Sunday to spend 10 minutes in the Bible every day for 21 days to build the habit.

Remember, the goal is this: to know God better. I believe and have seen with my own life that the better I can understand who our creator is, the better I can display him for others.

One thought of caution though - don't be lulled into believing that there is no enemy or that he's not interested in this kind of thing. That would be exactly who he is. You will wrestle with waking up early and turning off the TV to take these few minutes - I did this morning. It is worth it to engage in the battle and fight for this.

I've been listening to this series called "The best question ever" by Andy Stanley and he made an interesting point that really hit home with me this morning in part 3 of the series - if we were to add up all the "urgent" things that we allowed to derail our call, we'd have nothing. The cumulative result of sleeping in and watching TV is worthless. But the cumulative regret that we will see and feel as our families fall apart and we fail under the pressure of fear is great.

So stay strong and build the habit. 13 days left.

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