Exciting Schedule!

The next few weeks are going to be exciting. This week (1/25) Jake is going to be preaching for the 1st time and I'm excited to hear him bring the message. The following weekend Holyfire Ministries and Out of Hiding will be here doing the whole weekend for Ignition '09. BE HERE FOR THAT! There will be a public concert Saturday night (1/31) at 7:00.

Then I get to preach for 4 weeks straight! I've been working on the series and have decided to call it "The Mask". I'll be talking about faith and walking through Hebrews 11.

Then (this is really exciting) the 1st two weeks of March our 1st pastoral candidate will be preaching. If you didn't know, Jim Grimes -Carpenter's founding pastor - resigned and finished his time with us on Dec. 28th. Though it may seem quick to have a candidate in, God's been moving us through doors with little less than our permission! We're excited to see Bob Hampton be our 1st possible new pastor. Please pray that we walk wisely and on our knees through this process.

So if you've left or have just been lazy, you should come back... NOW! It's an exciting time in the life of Carpenter's and we're pumped about seeing this community change in the near future.

1 Response to "Exciting Schedule!"

  1. Lynn Bensing Says:

    Glad to hear that you are preaching for 4 weeks! :) That is awesome!

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