American Gladiators

It went great Tuesday night. One of our best events ever. I'm so over counting students, but it was a good crowd last night. I'm not totally over counting, i'm just seeing the benefits clearly of a smaller group. We miss that sometimes when we're only focused on getting out of the numbers hole we're in.

We had planned 5 events for the competition but times ran short fast and we cut it down to 3 - losing Powerball (probably for the best- it was gonna be the roughest game of the night) and Devour - the butter eating contest. The Bubbles won the Team Luncheon on Sunday and Jon Gonzales grabbed a free ride to Brave Generation by bringing five 1st-timers.

It was a long night, but a good one. Our prayer was that it will be used as a catalyst to change someone's life. Next week we start Exposed - The truth about Sex and are excited about seeing eyes opened and wills strengthened.

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