The Inconsistent Image

I'm going to try to be more consistent with some things in my life. Blogging for one - our secretary encouraged me to join her for a webinar (a web seminar... I feel more savvy - how about you?) Tuesday afternoon about church marketing. One of the points the guys made was that if you are going to reach people with relational marketing, it needs to be consistent. I'm going to do my best to blog Monday through Thursday.
Also, Steven Furtick talked about the example we set as pastors and it really echoed with some of the things that God's been pressing on me. Check it out here. My dress, my car's cleanliness, and my health are all things that I need to maintain a lot better than I am right now. They're little things that say a lot.

Like I said a few days ago though, I'm the excited monkey. I'm consistent in little. I've noticed though that I'm consistent in the things I'm passionate about - my family, golf, media. Making these changes last, for me, is all about asking God for the passion. Prayer should always be my first step.

The truth is that I know my image is shifty and inconsistent. I change my mind a lot - usually to make people happy. Time to grow forward and use the tattoo.

1 Response to "The Inconsistent Image"

  1. Cherie Says:

    A clean car?! Working out?! Did you say "iron"?!

    I think I like this "new" you...

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